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•   Alan Andrew (Andrew)  9/6
•   Marilyn Storton  6/3
•   Rae Thurston  4/9
•   Flemming Kress (Kress)  12/4
•   Steve Wilson  12/4
•   Nancy Robinson (Villarroel)  3/25
•   Gordon Hawkins  3/21
•   Carol Wilton (Wilton)  3/16
•   Charles. Skip Wilton  3/12
•   Daryl Whitten  11/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in California
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in North Carolina
6 live in Alberta
4 live in British Columbia
1 lives in Nova Scotia
107 live in Ontario
1 lives in Quebec
2 live in Australia
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Viet Nam
41 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Northview Heights Collegiate Institute ‘Class of 1964 & Friends’ Website.

The ‘Class of 1964 & Friends’ group includes the Graduating Class of 1964 (celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2014), classmates from the First Graduating Class of Willowdale Junior High (1959-1960), classmates who shared classes with us from 1960 to 1964 and may have changed schools or courses, friends of the group, and teachers who taught us during our years at Northview.

  • Please set up your Profile, add some photos, connect with classmates. Click on ‘First Time Visitors’ in the left-hand column.
  • Help find missing classmates. Scroll through the 'Missing Classmates' section and let us know if you have contact information for them. A 'Missing Classmate' is one who has not joined the page.
  • There is a special section to list classmates, 'In Memory', who have passed away. Please take a moment to add some personal memories of dear classmates to the memorials.

We Are Glad You Are Here!

This is a 'free' website and as such there are advertisements on each page. This site is completely free to use and your information will never be accessed or used for anything other than keeping in touch with class alumni.


For those of you who took the school tour, I would like to let you know that our tour guide, Kwado, was the class valedictorian in 2015.

Listening to David Schatzky's 1986 CBC interview as an As It Happens guest host. He is interviewing a man who has preserved his Christmas tree with sugar water. (From Norm Kondo)

Does anyone know of the whereabouts of Beverly Seymour?
I recall hearing that she had serious health issues quite a while ago.