50th Reunion Planning

Hi Everyone!!

The Reunion Committee has 5 simple questions to help us plan our 50th Reunion! 

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * HOW should we celebrate our 50th reunion? Check off the type of activities you would participate in.

  Tour of Algonquin
  An ARHS Football Game
  Meet and greet in afternoon at a casual restaurant/pub
  Formal Dinner Dance at night
  Sunday Brunch the next morning
2)   * WHEN should we have our 50th Reunion? Choose one answer.

  Summer Weekend
  Any September Weekend
  Columbus Weekend
  Any regular October Weekend
  Thanksgiving Weekend
3)   * WHERE should we have our 50th Reunion? Choose one answer.

  Anywhere in Worcester County
  Boston area
4)   Do you have any other ideas?

5)   Please add your name here if you would like to help plan our 50th Reunion!

