Schedule and Events


Schedule of Events!



A. Friday, July 17, 2009


1. Informal ‘Meet and Greet’ and Barbeque Supper


    Ft. Boise Produce

    28519 Highway 20/26

    Parma, ID.  83660


    1 mile east of Snake River bridge and ½ mile west of Anderson’s Corner

    Courtesy of Jim, Peggy, and Warren Farmer

    6 p.m. Start

    Attire:  Summer casual.



    Plan to attend this informal, no-host gathering at the Farmer family’s new state-of-the-art onion processing facility and warehouse.  Lots of room for all five classes!  Signage will designate the individual five class sections so you can find your own class – but plan to mix and mingle! Bring your spouse or just bring yourself but come and get reacquainted with names and faces from your past.  We’ll have tables and chairs, soft drinks, bottled water and a no-host cash bar available (beer, wine, etc.).  Sign-up for this event includes a catered buffet barbequed chicken and/or ribs supper plus trimmings and desert, to be served starting at 7:30 p.m.  The registration form and sign-up is available on our website under “Registration” on the left side of the Home Page.    


Cost is $19. per person



B. Saturday, July 18, 2009


2. Informal All-Class Golf Outing (It really isn’t a tournament!)


    River Bend Golf Course

    18539 Fish Road

    Homedale, ID. 83676


    8:30 a.m. start (Be there at 8!)

    Attire: Golf attire and golf shoes (no cutoffs)


    Tee-off begins at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning at this beautiful municipal      course located along the Snake River in Homedale.  Mel Calhoun will serve as honorary course marshal.  Put together your own foursome or let us put one together for you.  Sign up on our website under Registration. Spouses, kids, and/or other guests are welcome so sign them up, too.  Golfing fees will be paid at the golf course.  Some positions are available for ‘cart drivers’ only so let us know if you’d like to be cart driver or rider.


Fees are $36. for 18 holes and $24. for 9 holes and carts are included.



3. Owyhee Dam Field Trip


Note:  Both the morning and the afternoon tours are now FULL.  The registration form will no longer show the ability to register.  We will upload the lists for both tours later this week so you can check which group you are in. 


    McGinnis State Park

    Owyhee Dam Road

    Malheur County, OR.


    First Group: 10:30 a.m. and Second Group is 1:30 p.m.

Remember that this is about a 45 minute drive from Nyssa so plan your travel time accordingly.

    Attire:  Summer casual (it's hot in July!). Good walking shoes recommended.

  We are offering this special field trip opportunity and “inner-workings” tour of the Owyhee Dam and the famous Glory Hole.   The dam superintendent is one of our former Nyssa High classmates, Gary Mason (class of ’66), who will conduct a private tour of this massive engineering landmark. 


    We’ll meet at the museum shortly before 10:30 a.m. at McGinnis State Park located just below the dam.  Allow 1 ½ - 2 hours for this tour.  Please bring your own bottled water, soft drinks, or other beverages, as none are available at the dam.  You will need to provide your own transportation to the dam site but car-pooling can certainly be arranged.


Tour Group 1 (10:30 am start)


Abe, Kay                                                     2

Cottrell Elguezabal, Doreen                        2

Greig, Dan                                                   2

Grijalva, Frank                                             2

Hirai, Brian                                                  2

Jeffries, Scott                                        2

Kurtz Cockrell, Elaine                            1

Luna Lara, Vickie                                   2

McGinley, Kathy                                     1

Sarazin, Ron                                          2

Smith, Mike                                            2

Ure Gross, Dana                                    2


           Total:                                                     22



Afternoon Tour

1:30 p.m. start time


Anderson, Jim                               1

Castillo, Juan                                 2

Glenn, Mike & Kathy                      2

Heider, Otto                                   1

Okano White, Janice                     2

Peterson Turner, DeeAnn              2

Piercy Robicheaux, Janis               1

Smit, Bob                                        2

Wilson Starner, Nancy                    5

Widmer, Eldon                                2

?                                                      1


              Total                                22





4. Saturday Lunch, anyone?



   There is a site/location change!  Please note:

           No longer at River Bend Golf Course!


    Nyssa City Park

    Reece Avenue between 5th and 7th

    12 – 2 p.m.

    Attire:  Very casual (dress for hot weather).



    Whether you’ve played a round of golf, completed a grand tour of the Owyhee Dam, or are simply trying to find out “where everybody is hanging out”-- plan to come by the Nyssa South Park for a picnic lunch with your fellow classmates.  A grill will be set up with hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, etc. and there are plenty of cold drinks available for purchase.  Let us know if you’re coming (for planning purposes), although pre-payment is not necessary as you can pay on-site.  See our website registration form. Bring your spouse or family but also bring a lawn or folding chair!   


Cost  approx. $7. per person (at the door).



5. Saturday Night Reunion Dinner and Program


    Fort Boise Produce

    28519 Highway 20/26

    Parma, ID.  83660


    1 mile east of Snake River Bridge and ½ mile west of Anderson’s Corner.

    Courtesy of Jim, Peggy, and Warren Farmer

    6 p.m. Social Hour:  7:15 p.m. Dinner


    Attire: "Nyssa Dressy Casual."  (This is totally whatever you want it to be.  You'll see everything from jeans and boots, to summer patio dresses.  It's whatever you'll be most comfortable.)


    The Farmer family has again graciously allowed us to have our dinner and program in their new onion packing facility located just across the bridge east of Nyssa.  A social hour begins at 6 p.m.  Plenty of parking available; follow the signs.


     We’ll have a cash bar (beer, wine, etc.) as well as lots of soft drinks and bottled water.  A buffet dinner will be served including grilled steak, chicken, assorted chilled salads, vegetables, bread and rolls, plus dessert – starting around 7:15 p.m. 


    Signage will be provided indicating the individual class sections so everyone will be able to gather within their class areas.  Mixing and mingling is, of course, encouraged!  A ‘memorabilia’ table will also be available for viewing so if you’re willing to share your old Bulldog newspapers, Tupelo yearbooks, letterman sweaters and jackets, trophies, scrap books and pictures – we’d love to have you bring them.  Let us know!


    We’re in the process of designing our program with a slide show or video on classmates “then and now”.  Live introductions of former faculty members in attendance will be made.  Each class will feature an MC introducing the class via The Big Screen,  so don’t forget to upload some kind of  favorite “recent” picture on your website profile.  We’ll also have video acknowledgment of classmates and faculty who are no longer with us through a memorial review.


    While music will be available (top hits from our era!) throughout the evening, we are working with The Twilight Café and Lounge in arranging an “after-the party” – party!   There will be live music for those wishing to dance the night away at their location in downtown Nyssa, or even order your own “very late night breakfast”.  More info on this later.


    An on-site photographer will be present for individual class pictures. These will be taken at ten-minute intervals announced throughout the evening.  These photographs will be available for purchase that night.  You simply complete your name and mailing address on a manila-mailing envelope provided, pay the photographer, and he/they will mail your photo to you after they are printed.  Buy one, or buy all five classes!


Please sign up on the Registration form located on our website.  Be sure and list your name as well as the name of your spouse or date, for check-in purposes and name tags. 


Sat. night Reunion Dinner:  $24. Per person



C. Sunday, July 19, 2009


6. Farewell Breakfast


    Twilight Café and Lounge

    212 Main Street

    Nyssa, Oregon   97913


    A buffet breakfast provides one last opportunity to visit before heading out of town or catching a plane for home. Come by for breakfast and bid farewell to those other die-hards who simply haven’t had enough of the reunion.  Included in the buffet will be eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, muffins, and assorted fresh fruits and juices.  Bring your family and kids and sign up on our website under Registration, at the far left-hand side of the Home Page.


Cost:  $8.00/person





That’s all folks!