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•   Alan (Al) French  9/19
•   Chris Jones  9/18
•   Joseph McKee  8/22
•   Holly Hitchcock (Wilson)  7/28
•   Carole Ann Sheade  7/5
•   Donald Attwood  7/3
•   Michael Lenaghan  6/24
•   Joanne Cavanaugh (Newman)  6/9
•   Janeen Cook (Craig)  4/30
•   Jim McIlrath  4/7
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•   Sally Strening (Coffin)  9/19
•   Georgene Wayne  9/19
•   Charles (Craig) Haley  9/20
•   Michele Pugh (Rendo)  9/22
•   Beth Abramson (Casey)  9/24
•   Joan Berliner (Clement)  9/24
•   Dennis Parise  9/24
•   Betty Gilchrist (Kramp)  9/27
•   Charlotte "Candy" Nordling (Lee-Dahlquist)  9/28
•   Bob McLaren  10/1
•   Steve Ramseth  10/1
•   Michele Mayer (Herbin)  10/2
•   Jim Schink  10/2
•   Nancy Leatherwood (Rankin)  10/3
•   Nancy Howe (Blackadder)  10/4
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
28 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
42 live in California
13 live in Colorado
4 live in Connecticut
35 live in Florida
8 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
202 live in Illinois
6 live in Indiana
3 live in Iowa
2 live in Kansas
2 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
3 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
16 live in Michigan
4 live in Minnesota
2 live in Mississippi
6 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
7 live in Nevada
2 live in New Hampshire
2 live in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
10 live in New York
5 live in North Carolina
6 live in Ohio
5 live in Oregon
5 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in Rhode Island
5 live in South Carolina
7 live in Tennessee
10 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
6 live in Virginia
7 live in Washington
21 live in Wisconsin
2 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Australia
2 live in Germany
1 lives in Hong Kong
1 lives in Ireland
1 lives in Netherlands
1 lives in Spain
1 lives in United Kingdom
37 location unknown
263 are deceased

Oak Park River Forest High School
Class Of 1961

Gonna Sing - Oak Park, District 97 Virtual Chorus


Riverview Remembered

"Riverview Remembered by WGN"

A 5 Minute Video 

(For full-screen, click the lower right hand corner of the video)


Riverview Amusement Park (circa 1952, Chicago)

(a 6 minute silent video)





March 31, 1960

Click here to read the edition.




    September 23, and September 30, 1943



Click here to view.
