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WSHS Class of '64
I hope this finds all of you Happy and Safe.
We have had a few calls about a Reunion this year (2021).  So, here is the plan:  
If, and only if, we are not under a mandate on October 2, 2021, we will have 
a Reunion for our Class of '64. Right now, the plan is to have it at HWY 200 
Restaurant, 222 NC-200, Locust NC 28097, at 11:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. You 
will be able to order from the menu and the room will not cost us anything. You 
just need to let me know if you will be attending and how many will be with 
you. Call or 704 488-4842 or email me back.  We need a head count 
by September 24, 2021.
I will send this out again about the first or second week of September just to 
remind you of the date and time.  Please come out and let's have a good time
together getting reacquainted.  You never know, you might realize that you 
have something in common with the one person you didn't like in high school.
Also, if anything changes or there is a lockdown we'll let you know.  Otherwise
it will be on for a good time with or classmates!
If you have any news about any of our fellow classmates: sickness, deaths or
any news, good or bad, let us know so we can pass on to others.
Hope everyone has a good rest of the Summer and we hope to see you in the Fall, 
Saturday - October 2, 2021.
God Bless each one of you, Be SMART and Be SAFE.
Committee Members:
Glendel Huneycutt
Joy Smith-Snow
Diane Helms-Hudson
Linda Burris- Barbee
Kay Barbee-Baucom
Barbara Dry-Whitley
Phyllis Hill-Garmon
Phyllis H. Garmon


50th Class of '64 Reunion.






•   Harry Lee Love  5/19
•   Jerry Crisco  10/17
•   Lynda Smith  10/22
•   Elaine Helms (Gandenberger)  12/4
•   Brenda Gardner (Morris)  3/22
•   Reba Hatley (Tucker)  10/14
•   Philip Caldwell  10/13
•   Leonard Harvell  10/13
•   Linda Davis (Cook)  10/12
•   Joy Smith (Snow)  10/9
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Georgia
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kentucky
19 live in North Carolina
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Texas
60 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!