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•   Leonard A. Brown  9/7
•   Michelle Bennett (Todd)  7/14
•   Paul Williamson  9/26
•   Monty Holzworth  4/22
•   Darla Dean  2/1
•   Alicia Sargentini (Becker)  2/1
•   Sean Martinez  1/31
•   Tina Ireland (Peyton)  7/2
•   Alicia Parreira (Parreira)  4/20
•   Aaron Pelzl  8/6
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Visit our Reunion Photo Gallery and see all the lovely times that were had, and share your own pictures.  Click on the "Reunion Photos" tab on the sidebar and follow the instructions there.


Even though the reunion is over, don't let the communication stop.  This website will be maintained, so please use it to stay connected.  Continue to update your profile-- changes of address, phone, job, births, etc.  And please keep sharing new pictures of your families.  That's the best part of anyone's profile, I think.


If you have never received an email from me (Alicia), please check your Spam/Junk email folder.  I have sent out two group emails to everyone; plus I have sent an email to each of you when you registered.  It became apparent to me today after speaking to someone, that the emails from the website were being caught by the spam filters.  Please check your spam folder for messages from me and other classmates.  You will also need to approve the sender so that other messages make it to your Inbox.  If you're not sure how to do that, ask your teenager.


Welcome to the Yosemite High Class Of 1989 web site. Can you believe it's been 20 YEARS already?

If this is your first time visiting our site, please go to Classmate Profiles on the taskbar, select your name, and create a username and password.  The purpose of this website is to help people reconnect, as well as prepare for our 20 year reunion.  The more you use it, provide information, and spread it around, the more successful it will be.


James Griffin  9/19
Jacob Emmons  9/24
Wendy Bair  9/29
Larri Tharp  10/3
Casey Lowry  10/6