In Memory

Boyd Heslop

Boyd Heslop

Boyd Weldon Heslop passed away at age 70 on Friday, Nov. 26,2010. Boyd was born May 16, 1940. He married Sandra Jo Hough on Mar. 17, 1967 in the Salt Lake Temple.

Boyd attended USU where he earned a BS and MS in Education. He also served a mission for the LDS Church in Northern Germany and was currently serving as a missionary to Temple Square as a Guest Services missionary. Boyd lived his whole life in Ogden except for his 2 years of missionary service.

Boyd is survived by his wife Sandy, one daughter and five sons. He is also survived by his two brothers and a brother-in-law along with seven grandchildren.

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12/13/10 06:39 PM #1    

Dennis Chamberlain

I saw the obituary for Boyd in the newspaper.  It didn't mention the cause of death.  Any one out there know?  I am curious since he was only 6 weeks older than I.

I don't remember this, but my Dad told me Boyd lived briefly accross the street from our farm in North Ogden.  This was when we were both little guys.  Probably in North Ogden Elementary.  It must have been very short because I cannot place him in that house at all.

I had his Father and Uncle as my teachers.  One at Wahlquist Jr. HS and the other Heslop Brother at WHS.  His father was Weldon, but I can't seperate them in my mind.  They were both nice and good teachers and I enjoyed taking classes from them both.

When we lived the 1st time in Roy from 1969 to 1973 Boyd used to work part time in the evenings selling milk for Muirbrook Dairy at an outlet on 1900 West (the Main Street in Roy).  I remember going in several times and buying a quart or two of milk from him.

I extend my deepest sympathies and condolences to his family.

Dennis Chamberlain


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