In Memory

Merlin Hamson

Merlin Hamson

Merlin passed away on June 4th 2004.  He lived in Sunset, he was married twice, and had 3 sons and 1 daughter, also 2 step-daughters.  He worked for the Forest Service in Oregon and then 36 years for Utah Department of Transportation.  He retired in 2003.  He loved fishing and spending time with his family and friends.  He was always there with a helping hand to anyone in need.  He will be missed by his High School Friends

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04/25/09 08:00 PM #1    

Dennis Chamberlain

I knew Merlin well. He lived up on the Mountain Road in North Ogden right close to our 14 acre cherry orchard. Verle Barker (the Barker Family in North Ogden), was my step-father. I remember one time my mother, Rubie Barker took some of us primary boys, (prior to cub scouts), on a hike up through our cherry orchard. We started our at Ward Barker's fish hatchery up the narrow dirt road which entered the back of our orchard. My step dad, Verle Barker, had before the hike placed stones in piles like the old time Indians used to do. With our 'trecker or guide' book we were supposed to to able to decipher the way the rocks were placed and they message they carried. Bill Ted Shupe (a year ahead of me in age), was in the group. When we got up to the Mountain Road my step-dad was not there to pick us up. So we begain walking down the road going North to 2600 North. When we got to Merlin's house he was out in front riding his bike. Bill Ted said, 'Merlin, let me ride your bike and I'll be right back.' Bill took the bike and road it clear down to 400 East (Wash Blvd) to his home and left it there. Merlin's step-father, Mr. Bowcutt was not too happy with Bill Ted when he had to go clear down to pick up Merlin's bike and bring it in the car back home. No apologies from Bill Ted. You would have to know Bill Ted. He did things like that. I have another story I could tell you someday (it's long), about me pheasant hunting in our orchard and hearing Mr. Bowcutt yell out, 'what the hell!' when he heard me shooting at pheasants with my shotgun after dark in the orchard. Dennis Chamberlain.

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