In Memory

Beverly Somers

Beverly Somers

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06/23/10 11:00 PM #1    

Dennis Chamberlain

If my memory serves me right, it seems Beverly passed away just a year or 2 following graduation from WHS in 1959.  I believe she had joined the military and was stationed somewhere back East when she died.  There was some mystery surrounding her death, but at this late date I cannot recall the circumstances.

I remember her as a kind, caring and sweet young lady while at WHS.  I may have even had some classes with her.

You were a good person Beverly and brought a lot of light into this world during your brief stay here.

Dennis Chamberlain

09/02/14 06:58 PM #2    

Sandra Lee Day (Johnson)

The world lost a very sweet and gentle soul when Beverly died. I remember her as a good person with a beautiful smile.

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