Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 22
     Profile contains photos: 2
     Military Service: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only

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Larry Annuschat
Ron Arter
Eugene ("Sam") Boydston   
Kelly Clark (Jacobs)   
Eugene Collins
Jim Edwards
David Eischen   
Keith Gilles  
J. Dean Givens
Tom Grellner    
Jim Gruntmeir
David ("Dave") Hufnagel
Carol Knecht (Dixon)   
Marla Krittenbrink (Clark)   
Tinna Kuehn (Barker)  
Jayme Long (Williams)  
Theresa Maschino (McCormick)  
Mike Mendel   
Brett Meyer   
Larry Meyer
Leann Moeller
Charlotte Newer (Helt)   
Donna Peters (Kunneman)   
Amy Rother (Lucas)    
Doug Rother
Marla Schoelen (Sargent)   
Lisa Schwarz (Phillips)   
Jim Thornton   
Randy Wiewel
Kim Williams (Mendel)  
Elisa Wittrock    
Jayne Wittrock (Suess)   
Steven ZumMallen  

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