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•   Cm Daeley  2/24
•   Jermaine Hall  2/6
•   Jennifer Shorts (Johnson)  1/16
•   Katherine Dajero (Montano)  4/19
•   Daniel Massey  2/1
•   Diano Coston  1/7
•   Tiffany McPherson (Benson)  10/13
•   Jarrod Bennett  7/15
•   Margarita Matson (Compton)  7/9
•   Lina Yturralde (Ballard)  7/8
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Arizona (USA)
1 lives in Armed Forces Europe (USA)
1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific (USA)
17 live in California (USA)
3 live in Florida (USA)
2 live in Georgia (USA)
2 live in Hawaii (USA)
4 live in Illinois (USA)
1 lives in Indiana (USA)
1 lives in Iowa (USA)
5 live in Maryland (USA)
1 lives in Michigan (USA)
1 lives in Minnesota (USA)
2 live in Nevada (USA)
1 lives in New Mexico (USA)
1 lives in New York (USA)
10 live in North Carolina (USA)
1 lives in North Dakota (USA)
1 lives in Oklahoma (USA)
1 lives in Oregon (USA)
2 live in Pennsylvania (USA)
3 live in South Carolina (USA)
1 lives in Tennessee (USA)
9 live in Texas (USA)
1 lives in Utah (USA)
9 live in Virginia (USA)
1 lives in Washington (USA)
80 live in USA
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Netherlands
1 lives in Philippines
1 lives in Singapore
35 location unknown
1 is deceased


•   Katherine Dajero (Montano)  9/20
•   Michelle Grove (Perno)  9/21
•   Shanee Jenkins  9/21
•   Rebecca Cooper  9/27
•   Dianna Osborne  9/28
•   Starr Leveque  9/29


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Kubasaki High School
Class Of 2000


IMPORTANT: Just a reminder - ticket prices will increase on March 1st 2010!! We will be increasing the price from $70 to $75 dollars. Make sure you get your tickets before the March 1st deadline!

Also - if you have any pictures from our high school days, please scan them and e-mail them to me. I am putting together a slideshow of memories. My e-mail address is Or, if you have them online already just give me the address and I'll grab them from there.


Amber, Danielle & Tiffany

REMINDER: Tickets for the Reunion are on sale now! Please remember that you will need to register AND purchase the tickets.

To Register & Purchase your tickets for the Reunion:

  1. Click 10 Year Reunion (on menu to the left)
  2. Fill in the Registration Form
  3. Type in the quantity of tickets you want to purchase
  4. Click ADD TO CART
  5. Verify the quantity of tickets
  6. Click Continue
  7. Click Check Out Now
  8. Select your payment option
  9. Fill out the Billing Information for your Credit Card purchase
  10. Click Continue to complete your purchase



Amber, Danielle & Tiffany

 IMPORTANT: Please purchase your reunion tickets as soon as you can.  We have to send periodic deposits to the hotel and would love to have your spot secured sooner rather than later.  It would be a big help!  Our initial deposit is on November 1 - without the deposit, we will lose the venue.

As I mentioned previously, there will be a cut-off date for purchasing tickets.  Not to worry, the date won't be until 2010, but ticket pricing may change after the beginning of the year.


Amber, Danielle & Tiffany



Please look at the 10 Year Reunion tab on the left!  We have selected a location in Las Vegas and would love for you to start RSVPing!

ALSO:  Just because you check the box that you are attending in your profile, this does NOT mean that you are registered!  Please make sure to go to the 10 Year Reunion table and physically register.  Thanks!

PLEASE check out the missing classmates tab as well and see if you have any these classmates contact information.  We don't want anyone to miss out just because we didn't have their info!

Tiffany, Amber & Danielle



Welcome to the Kubasaki High Class Of 2000 web site.

We decided to create this web site to give everyone the opportunity to keep in touch with our alumni friends. It is hard to keep in touch with friends from high school - especially since we are military brats and most of us continued moving around the world after graduation. We would like to use this site to keep everyone connected.

As you may know, we are currently trying to plan our 10 year reunion - yep it has been 10 years. Right now we are working on locking down our venue in Las Vegas. We are planning to hold the reunion in June 2010. The exact date hasn't been established yet...but we will definitely keep you up to date.




We need you guys to spread the word about this website. We still have a ton of people who are considered "missing classmates." These classmates are missing an e-mail address and are being left out of the loop. If you have any e-mail addresses for these classmates PLEASE let us know so we can e-mail them with the reunion details.


Tiffany, Amber & Danielle




Hey Guys,

Just saw on that there are rates for hotels ON the strip for as low as $62!  Check it out!

Amber Day