Contact Us

Need a password?  Click on the "Classmate Profiles" link at the top of the page.  Find your name in the class list and click on it.  Underneath your Senior Photo is a box that says "JOIN HERE! If you are your name, please click here now to create your profile!"  By clicking on that link, the setup process will start (contains 5 steps).  You will be asked to provide your contact information, upload photos etc.  You will also create your account password.  Continue to the next page(s) by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.   Please note that you are NOT required to upload photos right now; you can come back at a later time to do that.

Don't see your name on the Classmate Profiles page?  If you graduated with the Kubasaki Class of 2001, please send us an email below.  Be sure to include your name (ladies, please also include your maiden name), and your contact email address.  You will receive an email back from the Site Administrator after your name has been added to the site.

Forgot Password?  You login with the email address you provided during your account registration.  If you remember your email address but cannot remember your password, click on the "Forgot password?" link in the "Returning Users: Log On" box.  Enter your email address and click "Submit."  Within a few minutes, your password will be sent to our email address. 

Trouble with your Login ID? If you have many email addresses and cannot remember which one you used when registering, fill out the form below.  Be sure to include your name, what you need and the email address you want to use.  The site administrator will update your profile to reflect the given email address and send you a temporary password.

Email notifications from this web site:  For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities with your email accounts, please add to your email account as a safe sender in order to receive email communication from the site administrators and other classmates.

Need to send us a photo?  If you are in the military and need to send a photo of yourself in uniform to us, or if you don't have your senior photo on your profile page, please send us an email below with your photo in the body of the email.  If there is a transmission problem and you cannot include the photo in the body of the email, just send us an email and we will contact you directly and let you know where to send the photo.

Contact Us  If you have any other questions, please take a moment to check out the FAQ section of the Link & FAQs page before sending us an email as your question may be answered there. 

Otherwise, please fill out the form below to send us an email.  You will receive a response as soon as possible.  Thank you!

Site Privacy and Profile Verification:
When you register on our website, please be advised that you will have to be 'verified' by the administators before gaining access to the password restricted pages and classmate's profiles.  The information that you will be asked to verify is to ensure that you are who you claim to be and will be knowledge well known to Kubasaki Alumni that attended the school during 1997-2001.  This information will be required to prevent any unwanted "hijacking" on our site.  Other school sites associated with have experienced this issue, and classmates were harassed by hijackers, so we have implemented this step to further protect you on our site.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to Contact Us by sending us an email below.


* = Required   

* Your Name
* Your Email
* Subject

* Message
