First Crush

Missed the moment?

Did you leave high school only to never have contact with that special someone?
If so why? What stopped you from making 'the move' and hooking up 20 or so years ago?

First Crush

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1)   What stopped you?

  I was too shy.
  I was not in their 'clique' (click).
  I was afraid of rejection.
  I ran out of time, I was busy with other person at the time.
  I was at a loss of words and couldn't figure out how to ask
  I just don't know....
  He / She would not give me the time of day
  There was a communication issue because I did not feel comfortable or was unable to speak their language.
  Religious conflicts with either their family or yours
  Racial conflicts with either their family or yours

Why did you not make 'the first move'?
2)   If you had it all to do over again knowing what you know now, would you?

Yes No
3)   Would you do it all again, just for the thrills of growing up?

  fresh start with no knowledge about the first time or how things will turn out.
  as a third person to befriend your prior self.
  as an unseen entity or guiding spirit. (you as your own guardian angel)
  as a fly on the wall just to see their faces and reactions to the most rememberable moments.