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05/27/11 06:22 PM #1    

Kay Tassell (Herriott)

Welcome to the U S Grant High School Class Of 1966 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

07/18/11 09:33 PM #2    

Katie (Kay) Garland (Phillips)

I am full of joy as I pack for this trip to the reunion, looking forward to seeing you all.

We grew up in amazing days,  today more than ever I appreciate the home, community and its roots we come from. Blessings , Katie "Kay"

07/20/11 09:28 PM #3    

Mark Harold Smith

I will be there!  I wouldn't miss it for the world!  God Bless US Grant Class of 1966!   

Mark H. Smith

07/24/11 03:11 PM #4    

Paul Russell Wesselhoft

 Kay, what an excellent website for our classmates!  I really enjoyed the class reunion and look forward to the big five zero! 

07/24/11 06:12 PM #5    

Keith Hathcock (Ferguson)

 If anyone is interested in my name change please see my updated profile under comments.

07/28/11 11:38 AM #6    

Harlan "Floyd" Petersen

Had a great time at the reunion. If you missed it, you missed a great time. THANK YOU KAY AND YOUR COMMITTEE FOR ALL THE HARD WORK! Floyd Petersen

08/01/11 04:23 PM #7    

Roy Stewart

 Hello folks.  I just found this site (thanks to Kay).  I'm still kind of new at all this.  But, if there is anyone out there that remembers me and wants to say hello, please do.  I missed the reunion, but now that I'm in the communication loop, maybe next time.

08/01/11 10:50 PM #8    


Marilyn Jean Rhodes

Thank you to all of the reunion organizers for giving us an opportunity to check in with each other every few years.  All of your efforts are very much appreciated.  I share so much life history with the folks in our class that I value the chance to see them all more and more each year.

Thanks to all of you that are posting pictures, too.  I carried my camera around all night but didn't get off many shots.  Just too busy talking.

By the way, I left for Lake Texoma right after the reunion and spent the week there with my family.  Just got back last night.  My reunion mojo was still flowing in Kingston, though...I ran into Paula Heim at BG's Catfish Restaurant the night before I left and we had a mini-reunion!  As they say, it is a very small world.   

08/02/11 02:12 PM #9    

Phillip "Phil" Morgan

Another small world coinkydink: I was shopping for a real estate agent on the southside and stopped at an office on SW 89th that was the same or very similar to the office Mike Day and his dad, I believe, had on that street.  It made me pause sadly and think about how long he has been gone. 

08/13/11 05:03 PM #10    


Donald Leslie Birchfield

On my profile page I've posted some of my light humor essays from Roundup magazine, the member publication of Western Writers of America, and, in the "In Memory" section, some memories of Warren Walkabout.  Sorry I missed the 45th reunion, just couldn't leave Canada at that time.  I sure enjoyed the 40th reunion and the 30th.  Looking forward to the 50th.

08/15/11 08:18 AM #11    

Kathy Renfro

 to donald birchfield:


hi donald.  just wanted to say hello.  had been wondering what you were doing lately.  we missed you at the reunion.


kathy renfro

08/15/11 09:13 AM #12    

Mark Harold Smith

Thanks to Kay and all the organizers who put this 45th Reunion together.  This and all the reunions are like spiritual experiences to me!  To me, this 45th reunion was the best one yet.  I didn't make any (I actually didn't know about them!) until the 25th in 1991, but I've made every one since then.  God Bless Kay Tassell Herriott for her always tireless efforts every single time in this.  Kay, thank you so much and Joe Cocker thanks you for dancing with him!  Ah haw haw ah haw haw haw!  Extraordinary!  What is this about trying to get together every year?  I think it is an awesome idea.  Five years just isn't often enough, for me anyway.  And for better or for worse,  we are not getting any younger (although Kay Herriott never seems to age) so having the opportunity to have something every year would be wonderful.  Kay, I'll help any way I can.  Just call me or get ahold of me.  What's this about a football game?  With N.W. Classen?  I would love to do it but I don't know if my 63 year old bones would.  When and where is the football game?  I love you all.  God Bless the US Grant Class of 1966!  And thank you Ronnie Kaye!  We are so blessed to have him every time.  He truly loves our class!  He's such an amazing fellow.      God Bless all of you.  We truly grew up in a wonderful era.  I would not have wanted to have grown up in any other era.  I'd love you hear from more of you on here!    Mark H. Smith

08/16/11 02:00 PM #13    

Mark Harold Smith

Hey Don Birchfield!  Good to hear from you and see your picture!  Miss you, buddy.  Mark Smith


08/17/11 08:15 AM #14    


Donald Leslie Birchfield

 Mark Smith, I suffered a mild stroke just trying to IMAGINE your Joe Cocker impression!

08/17/11 11:28 AM #15    

Mark Harold Smith

Don Birchfield!
So glad you responded!  Hard to get people to respond sometimes!  Don you look good in your picture.  Are you on facebook?  If you are we could hook up and be facebook friends.  So good to hear from you buddy!  Take care,     Mark H. Smith

08/17/11 11:34 AM #16    

Mark Harold Smith

If I can ever get Mike Raymond to supply me with the pictures he took of the Joe Cocker impression, I want to put them on the internet.   Extraordinarily fun reunion indeed!  It was like a spiritual experience to me, all the reunions are, but for me this was among the best reunions we've had, but they are all great, so I guess they are all the greatest.  Kay Tassell Herriott is amazing as is Ronnie Kaye.  God Bless US Grant Class of 1966!

08/23/11 07:57 PM #17    

Kay Tassell (Herriott)

Hey girls, check out the new fun website:  "Grant Girlfriends" on Facebook. 

I hope everyone is had a fun summer.  Stay cool, somehow, XOXO, Kay Tassell Herriott


08/27/11 07:33 PM #18    

Kay Tassell (Herriott)

Does anyone remember a Debbie Taylor?  Her classring was found and the person who found it would love to return it.  Just let me know or get in touch with Gayle Dixon Gates/ Facebook.


  Kay Tassell Herriott 8-27-11


01/16/14 06:59 PM #19    

Brenda Kay Robison (Foster)

Hey everyone!! HAPPY 2014!!!!                                  

I was just thinking about our "big 50th" reunion---WOW!  Can't even imagine its been that many years since we were students at USG.  Where has the time gone?  So many of our classmates have passed away, makes me feel sad to think about them. 

Sure hope that everyone makes an effort to attend this special reunion. 

Blessings and good health to everyone!!

XO  Brenda


fyi:  our class of '66 is on Facebook!!  Look it up !

01/17/14 02:55 PM #20    

Cherly Yvonne Kaler (Ross)

Hello Brenda...I think I remember you from working at T. G. & Y. on 29th and May.  I think I may have worked with a Don Foster.  My name in high school was Cheryl Yvonne Kaler.  I am now Cheryl Ross.   I graduated from U.S,. Grant in 1966.  Glad to hear from everyone.

01/31/16 08:38 PM #21    

Kay Tassell (Herriott)

50th Reunion

July 22,23-- 2016

Embassy Suites Hotel

Norman, OK


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