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We have teamed up with the Oneida High School Scholarship Fund and all donations made through this site will be gifted to the school from the Class of 1995, in honor of our two deceased classmates Amy Tooke & Dan Piper. If you would like to support our efforts, click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.


•   Spring Usborne (Gates)  1/2
•   Patrick Lindsley  10/30
•   Wells & Linda Tooke  7/29
•   Ryan Colvin  7/25
•   Katrina Tooke (Batey)  7/16
•   Jodi March  7/12
•   Neysa Mesmer (Nardi)  7/6
•   Eric Kimball  6/30
•   Jacquette Gainer (Pike)  6/26
•   Kyle Hembach  6/26
Show More


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 55.6%

A:   95   Joined
B:   76   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)



Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


•   Melanie Sears  10/9


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Oneida High School
Class Of 1995

Glitter Words


Invitations were mailed on April 12th. If you did not receive one, it is because we did not have your address, but please know that all classmates are invited.  Click here to purchase tickets online and see complete details of the weekend.



Click on the logo to see our reunion weekend announcement!




Click on the fortune cookie to see who is coming!






If you would like the breakdown on the ticket price, click here.




Have you purchased your tickets yet?  The clock is ticking!






Make sure you keep scrolling down

to see our new stuff! 




Jason & the girls during the Washington Trip ~8th Grade~




Bet you don't remember what was on pages 146 & 147?!  Click on the yearbook to find out!

 Alma Mater
Music by Harry Smith
Lyrics by Kathleen K. Pendergast

Hail to thee, Oneida High!  May thy spirit never die.  May success thy banners claim.  Crown thy good with lasting fame.

We shall honor thy tradition.  Thy success is our ambition.  Hail to thee, Oneida High!  Hail to thee, Oneida High!





If you have pictures that you would like added to the slide show, please email them to

or you may mail them to Trisha and they will be returned to you at the reunion.











"Our Friends Are A Very Important Part of Our Lives.

Treasure The Tears, Treasure The Laughter,
But Most Importantly, Treasure The Memories."










Click on the box above to see your friends profile pages!










 Click on the box above to see who has purchased their tickets!






"It's funny how friends can come in and out of your life so quickly,

yet leave footprints and memories in your heart forever.