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01/22/09 10:38 PM #7    

Melanie Letourneau (Tommasello)

Hello. My name is Melanie Tommasello (formally, Letourneau) and I am an '89 graduate! I am also a certified wedding planner with LOTS of access to vendors if we need anything for the reunion. I would be happy to assist with getting everything together. Do you have an estimate of how many people may turn out? If so, I can try and secure a location if you have not found one yet. Let me know! I would love to help out. Anytime is good for me to do it since I am local!

01/24/09 04:10 AM #8    

Andrew (Drew) Doyle

Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. Fairly under-water with a new business that I'm starting up, but am looking forward to seeing everyone and happy to help out.

01/31/09 11:52 PM #9    

Terri Wilson

I'm local, so June or July would be great! I missed the 10 year reunion but I look forward to re-connecting with all of my classmates of 1989 at the 20 reunion. Go Pioneers!

02/02/09 09:28 AM #10    

Janister Cox (Herring)

Let me know what I could do to help! I, too, did not attend the 10 year reunion (I was big as a house pregnant with my youngest son!)so I am looking forward to the 20th class reunion! I pulled my yearbook out and what memories I had -- some funny,some sad! I love to dance and eat so dinner and dancing are great choices! Again, please let me know what I could do -- invitations, itineraries, etc. Take care all!

02/02/09 10:19 AM #11    

Terri Wilson

I sure would like to see some of the memories from the year book Janister! Please bring to the reunion! I really look forward to seeing everyone.

02/02/09 11:22 AM #12    

Tamara Johnson

I am also local so June/July is great for me... I am so excited about attending our 20year reunion...Can't wait to see everyone and have a great time..

02/02/09 11:01 PM #13    

Chung Tran

I also have a copy of the year book.
If anyone actually like to borrow it, I live in the UCF area.

02/03/09 07:57 PM #14    

Cherissa Hanible (Drew)

I missed the 10 year, I am local so June/July works for me.

02/03/09 09:35 PM #15    

Margarita (Margie) Arroyave (Arroyave-Wessel)

Hello everyone! I missed the 10th reunion so I'm really looking forward to attending the gathering this time around. May I suggest that we have a family event in addition to the activities already planned? I think many would enjoy meeting the spouses, and most certainly the beautiful children we all created! :-)

I'm not in the area anymore so I don't have a suggestion for the most appropriate venue, but if you have any ideas please post them. Thank you!

02/12/09 06:06 PM #16    

James Simmons

june or july is great for me looking forward to it

02/23/09 07:55 PM #17    

Ray Barnes

What's up everyone.... I would perfer July since that's when we take vacation. the 1st through the 10th, but I'm gonna make it regardless. I think we need to set a date, so we can start planning... Just a thought.. Hope all is well and can't wait to see everyone...

02/25/09 07:56 PM #18    

Sherry Kobi (Murray)

If anyone has pictures from the 1989 Senior Prom could you please bring them to the reunion. I would love to see some. I took a camera with me to the prom but found out later when I went to get them developed the camera never worked.

03/08/09 03:22 PM #19    

Pamela Bryant (Forbes)


03/08/09 05:53 PM #20    

Veranda Baker

I missed the 10th also and when I come home I don't see as many people as I would like to. I think July would be a great time.

I would like to suggest we definitely do a after 5pm get together for the first night as a nice kick off.

Karaoke, a day at a theme park Disney, Universal...etc.. and a dinner or picnic... I want to get as much time in as possbile since I live so far away. I also would like to create a 20 year reunion year book as a souvenir. Let me know I would love to put it together.

03/11/09 10:17 PM #21    

Monifa Mack


03/12/09 10:27 PM #22    

Dale Smith

I had a great time at the 10 year, just got back from Kosovo then. Im really looking forward to the 20 year. I cant wait to see everyone. Im living back in Orlando now, so Im open to any thing that comes up.

03/13/09 05:07 AM #23    

Todd Groomes

Karaoki...I think that would be fun!!! Definitely need an adult night out at the club on Friday. I think Pleasure island would offer a good variety. But I promise no break dancing...LMAO.

03/13/09 07:55 PM #24    

Tiffany Anderson (Hall)

No breakdancing?!? Where's the fun in that? Though i fear at this age, the dancing would not be the only thing breaking!!! LMAO

03/14/09 03:42 AM #25    

Chung Tran

I want to thank Tracy for creating this site.
I'm seeing more and more people sign up that I haven't seen since highschool. Its like a chain reaction.
Karaoke sounds like alot of fun.
I can't sing but once you're drunk enough, you'll do anything.

04/01/09 07:22 AM #26    

Vickie Case (Allen)

I have been told the drunker I get the better I actually sing.. now that is scary.

I missed the 10 year because of a nasty divorce, but am looking forward to the 20 year and I am going to try to get my new hubby to come with me.

04/29/09 10:28 PM #27    

Laura Presto (Morton)

Universal has a great karoake bar called Rising Star...

06/02/09 09:46 PM #28    

Vivian Whitfield

Hello everybody I missed the 10year reunion.I am looking forward to seeing you guys.

07/23/09 04:26 PM #29    

Marylin Mendoza (De Luca)

I just realized through a Facebook friend that Boone is also having their reunion at Ember on Friday? Just sharing info...

07/27/09 05:42 PM #30    

Robert Gonzalez (Mr G)

Wow, What a great job you all did at the picnic. Brian what a pro job in prepping the food. Thank you all for the LOVE you made me feel and the very kind words, I will keep them close to me till the end. If any of you ever need me please let me know, just like at ORHS my door is open. Stay on the good path and love each other.

03/02/10 04:31 PM #31    

John Henry

Hi All,
I'm joining the the Ripley's Believe it or Not books. I am getting married DownTown Orlando Fl, April 24th. If you're available and want to attend please contact me for further details..... We are not registering anyway for things, nor having a bachelor/ bachelorette party. we have opened the obtion to our family and friends to, contribute instead of spending. Any contributions can be mailed to me at P.O. Box 551343 Orl Fl 32855-1343. I hope to see many of you there on my big day. Hey for all I care, the reception can be half reunion( a great time among friends). Thanks everyone..... Can join and have a great time

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