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Find and click on your name.


•   Connie Stanton (Lunde)  9/21
•   Joseph Lutgen (Lutgen)  9/26
•   Lisa Olson (Kelleher)  9/27
•   Gary Walters  10/6
•   Keenan Larson  10/8
•   Lovey McLellan (Malsch)  10/11
•   Nate Nistler  10/13
•   Mari Schindele  10/18
•   Kimberly Sularz (Hogstad)  10/18
•   Lance Temanson  10/19
•   Tammy Lewis (Wenstrom)  10/20
•   Tracy Lewis (Hoben)  10/20


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Osseo Class of 84 Website!

Here's where you can keep in touch with your classmates, find long-lost ones, and keep us updated on where you are and what you're doing. For future events, this site is the mode of communication we'll be using, so be sure to log in and update your information from time to time.

You'll need to register on this site first. Take a moment to find your name on the "Where are they now?" box to the right. Click on your name and either add or update your information. Once you've done so, you'll be able to contact other registered classmates and use the message boards.

We'll take all the help we can get in keeping track of our classmates! If you look up a classmate for whom we don't have an email address, you'll be prompted to fill it in if you have it. If you have more information that just an email, click "Contact Us" above and send the whole shootin' match. Please do what you can to help us out.


 ALSO: To avoid spam filter issues, please "whitelist" or add to your contacts: We don't plan on sending regular emails, but this will assure the ones we do send will get through!