Robert Winslow

Profile Updated: May 31, 2010
Residing In: Olympia, WA USA
Spouse/Partner: Teresa Winslow
Occupation: Land Exchange Manager
Children: Son - Bob (IV) 18 years old
Daugher - Katheryne 15 years old
Military Service: Marine Corps Reserve  
Yes! Attending Reunion

The fall after graduation I began school at Washington State University (WSU) where I eventually received a B.S. degree in Forest Management in 1984. I worked in grocery warehouses, Marine Corps officer candidate's school, and forest fire fighting while going to school. My brother John (1979 SMS graduate) also attended WSU and had a football scholarship there. I was hired as a forester for the State of Washington soon after graduation and have worked throughout the Evergreen State in forest management and land transaction duties. I met my wife Teresa in 1990 and we were married in 1991. My wife Teresa was originally from California prior to moving to WA state and is a 1981 high school graduate. Teresa is a child care center director and has worked in this field for 30 years. A sad event happened in 1995 when my brother died in a tragic car wreck on easter morning. Time heals wounds, but I still have a ways to go to get over this loss. Our family likes to fish, boat, read, garden, watch movies and travel. Raising children has been a fun and a busy time and soon there may be more time to develop and foster hobbies. It is likely that I will remain in Olympia until I retire from the State of Washington.

School Story:

While I will not be relaying a story or attending the reunion, I really enjoyed the time I spent with my classmates and the good times we shared. I think back upon many dozens of events with great fondness. I will strive to attend the 40th.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:57 AM