In Memory

Garda Boeninger (Ghista)

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08/21/12 08:53 PM #1    

Miriam Willits (Palm)

I had this message from Garda's brother Robert, who lives in Germany: "Hi Miriam,
Thanks very much for your email today, in which you inquired about my sister Garda's whereabouts. It's true that she died, in February of this year, a result of many illnesses, including breast cancer.

Remembering Garda Ghista

On February 20 [2012], activist/scholar/author/humanitarian, and dear friend, Garda succumbed to breast cancer.


On February 22, her son Firdaus reported the sad news. Receiving hospice care, she died in southern Germany. She'd been surviving by what she called "a series of miracles." She'll be sorely missed.


Several years ago she moved to India to help feed starving people. Using her own resources and what she could raise, she asked nothing in return.


Months back, she discussed her work on the Progressive Radio News Hour. She asked listeners to help best they could. She explained how little it takes to feed starving people without resources. Without aid, they'll perish.


She advocated Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar's philosophy. His spiritual name was Shril Shrii Anandamurti. He was an Indian author, poet, composer, linguist, social revolutionary and philosopher.

His work inspired Garda's socio-economic philosophy. She called it PROUT (PROgessive UTilization Theory). "It stands for the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called 'nuclear revolution.' "


Read the full tribute to Gharda at


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