Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 33.1%

A:   152   Joined
B:   307   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


No registered users are online right now.


12% of all sales go directly to our class.

Palo Alto High School
Class of 1975

See you all in a year! Well... the 18th and 19th of July 2025! Whoo hoo!

Palo Alto High School 50th Reunion Update!

Friday July 18, 2025 Crowne Plaza Hotel Palo Alto
Meet and Greet - No Host Celebration - 6pm

Saturday July 19, 2025 Bayland Golf Links
Appetizer Buffet - No Host Cocktails - 6pm to 11pm


More info to come :)
Please spread the news to our fellow classmates!

Ok everyone....THIS JUST IN....Our 50th reunion date is officially July 19, 2025!!!! We will have a happy hour the night before as well. So....Friday and Saturday night it is! Mark your calendars!!!!

Soon we will have a missing persons list posted on the Facebook group page as we would love to find more classmates to join our group. While logged in to this website, view Missing Persons in the yellow bar on the left.
Do your best in trying to find more. Thanks!

Patrice, Kyle and Matt

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Ok fellow classmates...Kyle and I got together the other day and found a Palo Alto venue that we feel will be perfect for our 50th reunion in 2025! We are excited. As we do not have a date set with them we will not reveal the place. We plan on having the reunion towards the end of July 2025. So pencil it in!!!

Please spread the news to other classmates to join. They won't want to miss the celebration!!!!!!

If you are not signed up on Our Palo Alto High Class of 1975 Facebook group please do. It is our other source of communication:

Looking forward to seeing you all at our 50th!
Patrice Masik Kaffun



First things first - WE ALL need to reach out as far and wide as we can to find ALL
of our classmates.  Please encourage everyone if not already signed up to
come join this website. Share this link with your fellow classmates in your
contacts lists, and ask them to share it as well.

Please sign up or update your info. The event will be more successful the more classmates
we can find and include in the fun!

The class also has a Facebook page. Keep in mind that all the reunion info will be posted
in both places, but the reunion event itself will be organized from this website. These two
sites will be our future communication pages for our class and events.

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🎓  50   🎓
> Now is the time to start planning the Class of '75's 50 year reunion!

A committee needs to be formed, and classmates need to be located to let them know about the event!
If you have classmates in your contacts list or know of the whereabouts of some of them,
please have them join this website. 
This site is owned by our class and is free. The only other Paly alumni page is the All-Class website.
All others are not associated with Paly directly.

The class has a new Facebook page. We encourage you to join both this group and the new page.
All communication about future events will be posted in both places.

Site Administrator Found!

Thanks to Matt Smith for stepping up to become admin for this group!

***We would still like to have at least one more. This person would preferably have some familiarity with computers and be willing to help with this site.  Please contact Matt Smith or Judy Haccou***



📸   Photo Gallery  📸
We have set up a Class of '75 Photo Gallery (see the yellow box to your left). Under that heading, there are areas (like albums) where you can upload and share photos from Elementary School era, Junior High era, While We Were at Paly, Past Reunions, and there will be a place for everyone to upload photos take at the 40 year reunion this weekend!  DON'T FORGET TO LABEL THEM - names, dates and places!!

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Help us find our missing classmates! You can enter their email address in the space to the right of this screen, and it will send them an invite to join the website.

This will be an ongoing process:  if you have Class of '75 alums on your email contact list or on your Facebook friends list, PLEASE share this website with them. 
We will want to contact as many as we can for our next event!

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This website is operated by your fellow Paly '75 grads, and is totally free for our alumni.

Please enter this email address into your accepted contacts to prevent emails from going to your spam folder or being rejected:    You'll not want to miss any news!

Don't forget to update your address or contact info if you have made any changes!

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Did you know you can view Paly yearbooks online?
Check it out!
