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•   Amy Stein (Rayner)  7/19
•   Paul Gordon (Gordon)  7/18
•   Bruce Lewenstein  7/18
•   Cathy Crenshaw (Bostedt)  7/18
•   Bary Beck  7/18
•   Greg Worth  7/17
•   Sheri Einfalt  7/17
•   Douglas Turner  11/16
•   Charles Tsou  11/13
•   Hemant Shah  3/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
2 live in Arizona
101 live in California
4 live in Colorado
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Missouri
2 live in Montana
4 live in Nevada
3 live in New Mexico
2 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in Utah
4 live in Washington
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Indonesia
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Mongolia
1 lives in Thailand
229 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Donations will be used to pay for reunion planning expenses for current & upcoming reunions.


Our 50 Year High School Reunion

Our reunion is currently scheduled for September/October 2025 (depending on venue availability).  Fill out the survey if you have a preferred time slot.

We are planning on a weekend of reunion events.  Friday happy hour.  Saturday mini-reunions & main reunion dinner.   Sunday bbq or picnic.

Our current reunion committee is Allyson Smith, Judy Williams, & John Fok.  We are looking for more committee members and volunteers.  Please let us know if you are interested in helping out.

Information and updates will be mainly posted on this website & on Facebook.  Please make sure that your contact information is up-to-date so that you won't miss any of the reunion information.

We are hoping to be able to host a grand gala event for everyone and will be looking for donations (from people and companies) to help reduce the overall cost for everyone.  Let us know if you can help.

Check back here to get the latest reunion news!


You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   What is the best time for you to attend our 50 year Cubberley High School Reunion?

  Beginning of September 2025
  End of September 2025
  Beginning of October 2025
  End of October 2025

Check all boxes that you are available to attend....

The virtual Elementary School Reunion is scheduled for Sunday March 6, 2022 @ 2:00-3:30 pm PST.  You should be contacted by your elementary school reunion coordinator with the Zoom registration information.  Contact us if you have not been contacted by your coordinator..

El Carmelo - Paul Van Peborgh
Fairmeadow - Judy Williams+
Greendell - Ken Roberts
Ohlones - Deborah Viariseo Costella
Ortega - Cheryl Sampson Elliot
Palo Verde - Jill Kirkman Poulsen
Ross Road - Juli Banfe, John Fok
De Anza - Still looking for a volunteer (click Contact Us)
Hoover - Still looking for a volunteer (click Contact Us)

Spread the word to our fellow classmates that you are in contact with.  Let them know about this upcoming event.  Send them a link to our class website.

Update your information with your current email address & contact info. Updating your profile info is a great way to let people know what you have been up!   Let us know if you have any problems signing in.

Also, please let us know if you know of any Cougars who are missiing from our In Memory page. Unfortuately, we have lost a couple more classmates this past year.

Happy Holidays 2020!

Many thanks to all the people* who helped put our virtual reunion together.  People pitched in by contacting fellow Cubberley & elementary school classmates, tracking down information on missing classmates, and helping identify all those people from the various elementary school class photos. 

*John Fok, Judy Williams, Allyson Smith, Janis McLachlan, Paul Van Peborgh, Deborah Viariseo Costella, Joan Levy Lesser, Valerie Smith Fearns, Peggy Tao, Charles Tsou, Jon Kaneshiro, Michele Duncan Evans, Connie Wooding Ring, Michelle Guglielmelli Matthews, Harry Hall, Mike Torcellini, Ken Roberts,  Estie Golan, Mike McPherson, Norma Lacey Casmey, Jeff Sato, Lynn Burnett Gentry, Jeanine Unterleitner Corneliussen, Deeana Jang, Tom Taylor, Doug Turner, Daryl Wong, Carol Philips Cumming, Juli Banfe, Frank Viggiano, Melissa Tuft, Nancy Damon Johnston, Allen Briskin, Andy Clark, Vicki Littman Cox, Patty Mariscal Venerable


Here is our 2020 Cubberley Reunion Schedule (two weekends in November)


Saturday, November 14, 2020,   (Had fun catching up!)

7 pm PST (2 hours)         
Zoom Reunion with Breakout Rooms
          For people who:
               Can’t make it next weekend…
               Want to practice their Zoom skills….
               Love every chance to talk to fellow Cougars!

Friday, November 20, 2020,    (More classmates to catch up with!)

6 pm PST (1.5 hours)         
Zoom Happy Hour

Drop in anytime and see who shows up
Bring your own drink!
Catch up before Saturday night….

Saturday, November 21, 2020

1 pm PST (2 hours)         (A great time had by all!)
Zoom Elementary School Reunions

          De Anza
          El Carmelo
          Palo Verde
          Ross Road
Catch up with your long time classmates before the big reunion!
Talk about all your classmates who don’t show up!

6 pm PST (3 hours) (One big hangout!)      
Zoom Main Reunion with Breakout Rooms
          Elementary Schools
          School Clubs/Groups 
          School Hangouts
The Main Event:

Show up in the Main Room to see who is there
Stay in the Main Room to hear what other people want to share
Use “Chat” to talk to/update everyone
Use “Chat” to let people know which room you will be in
Head to a Breakout Room for smaller groups                     
Move between rooms to talk to other people

Sunday, November 22, 2020

2 pm PST (1-2 hours)         (Lasted 2.5 hours!)
Zoom Post Reunion "Picnic"

Talk to people you missed last night....
Catch up on the gossip you missed.....
Share contact info.....
Share your ideas for our next reunion!






We have added the "Classmate Photo Gallery" section so that you can upload photos that you would like to share with the rest of our class.  Feel free to post pictures so that people will know what you have been up to all these years.   Click on the "Create Your Own Photo Gallery Here" tab to upload your can add comments to each one.  Only our fellow registered classmates will be able to see what you post.



Hi 1975 Classmates,
PAUSD will be creating recording studios at Cubberley in the ‘I’ building, our former library. As an employee of PAUSD, I will be ordering all the needed equipment. The new studios suites will support teacher collaboration and creation of lessons and content for distance learning, for our students during Coronavirus pandemic times.
I felt so filled with pride as I prepared the first orders. It really had me pondering 45 years since high school. I remember at our 20 year reunion laughing and talking about how weird it would be to go to a reunion in our 60’s. Well, we’re here and no physical reunion. It guess we were right 20 years ago. Weird.

Patty Mariscal Venerable

The Jim/Bob Cubberley Coaches Tribute

All-Class Reunion

Saturday, July 9, 2016

All Cubberley alumni are invited to “The Jim/Bob Cubberley Coaches Tribute and All-Class Reunion” for a special event on Saturday evening, July 9, 2016 at Cubberley. Jim Yelton and Bob Peters were coaches at Cubberley.

Many of Cubberley’s coaches will be honored. Special guests will be coaches Bob Peters, Stephanie Adcock, Bob Bow, Al Chanteloup, John Callahan, Harlan Harkness, Gayle Joslin, Kaye Little, Sharon Russell Poff, John Second, Jay Vierra, Jack Young and others. Yelton passed away several years ago. Emcee for the evening is coach Hans de Lannoy.

It’s also the 60th anniversary of the opening of Cubberley. The school opened in the fall 1956 for 22 years until it closed in the spring of 1979. Come reunite with fellow classmates.

Includes buffet dinner and drinks. Reception starts at 4pm. Dinner at 6pm. Program at 7pm.


Cost: $57 pre-registration by June 30. (Cubberley opened in 57') 

$79 Late registration and at door (Cubberley closed in 79')


Contact the organizers if:

-You want to come to this one time event – RSVP via website or email.

-You want to help volunteer.

-You can find coaches to be honored.

-You can donate money to help make this a more special event.


More information and RSVP:


Facebook: Cubberley Coaches Tribute

Phone: 925-336-0759


The class photo taken by Fuji has just been posted.....check the Saturday night photos!


People are already asking about our next class event....jointly celebrating our milestone 60th birthdays??

Make sure that you are signed up on this website in order to get updates on what we are planning next!


We will be sending out Reunion Yearbook Forms to everyone via email. 

If you didn't fill one out at the Reunion and want to be included, make sure to send yours into

Also, be sure and attach a photo of yourself or any Reunion shots that you would like to share.


If you took reunion photos that you would like to share with your classmates, you can upload them to this website (after you log in) or send them to


The Reunion picnic was a great way to end the weekend.  Perfect weather.  Plenty of food.  Great people to talk to......

<===  Photos can be accessed by clicking on the link to the left  (You must be logged in to view them)


Saturday night was a night to remember....

Great weather, fun venue, decorations including cougar paws, a mini Totem, elementary school pics, old articles, records, a Cubbmunity sign, and a hand painted Cougar banner!

Class photo taken by Fuji....

Harry Hall, Peter Felsch, Peggy Nesbit, and Eric Ford provided us with live music and a special performance....

Sandi Hamel Dailey fed the mass of hungry Cougars with delicious food....

Wine & beer was flowing freely all night.

And the highlight of the evening was everyone who showed up!  So many familiar faces with lots of interesting stories....glad everyone had nametags!

The evening ended too soon!

<==== Some photos are posted to the left....other photos will be put in the digital yearbook (Login to view them)


Reunion weather update (9/12): 
Saturday:     Cloudy,  High 80º, Low 60º ....but it hasn't broken the 70sª yet (currently 66ª at 1:45pm)
Sunday:       Partially Cloudy, High 79º  


Friday night was fun!

Check out some photos from our happy hour by clicking the link in the column to the left  (Login to view the photos)


Note:  There is a Stanford football game this Saturday at 7:30 pm....

Give yourself some extra time to get to the Art Center since Embarcadero Rd might have heavy traffic. 


Weather Forcast for our reunion weekend:

Friday:      High 93º, Low 63º         
Saturday:  High 87º, Low 63º         
                  Our event is an indoor/outdoor event.
Sunday:    High 85º, Low 62º         
                 Outdoor picnic, bring sunscreen


Things we are still looking for:

  1. Elementary school photos......Do you have a picture of your 6th grade class?  If so, please send to Judy Williams or upload to our FaceBook reunion page.
  2. Video conference participants/volunteers:  We are going to set up a Google Hangouts video conference during the Saturday night reception/dinner.  If you can help us test the system before the Reunion, contact John Fok.  If you can to call in on Saturday night, make sure that you have Google Hangouts loaded on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.  The email address used for the conference will be
  3. Your contact info.....if you haven't registered on ClassCreator yet, please update your info
  4. Missing classmates....if you happen to see someone you know on the Missing Classmates list, let them know about the Reunion....we may not have been able to reach them yet.
  5. More RSVPs/payments:   Even though we are going to have a great turnout, we are hoping that more people will decide to come.  (If you have already RSVPed, please make sure that we have received your payment. Thanks!)


Only a couple weeks to go.  Have you signed up yet?  We have extended the price deadline for the Saturday night dinner/reception....

We are hoping that you all have the Reunion weekend on your calendar....even if you haven't signed up yet.

We are at a stage in our lives where we have all experienced some of life's ups and downs.  For many of us, one of the things that matters most now is spending time with friends.  In the midst of our busy lives, it's easy to lose touch with old friends, neighbors, and fellow classmates.  We hope you can join us during our Reunion weekend to connect and reconnect.

Our Reunion is not meant to be a gathering of people with perfect lives.  It is a gathering of friends who know each other well and still like each other - warts and all!  It is a special opportunity to see those many interesting classmates your sort of knew in passing, but now would only see at a Reunion.  You may even forge some unexpectedly new types of relationships.

Hope to see you soon!


August Update:

Less than a month to our Reunion!!

Have you signed up yet?  Over 100 of our fellow Cougars have RSVPed for the weekend.

Please register and pay for the Reunion Dinner by August 15th (this weekend) if you have not had a chance.  You can either send a check to Judy Williams or pay via credit card (via PayPal) using the ClassCreator link.

We are trying to locate 6th Grade class photos for the feeder schools to Wilbur/Cubberley.  Let Judy Williams know if you can send her a copy from your elementary school. 

P.S.  Judy is trying to get more Fairmeadow graduates to the Reunion than anyone else...  How many are coming from your school? 

We still have not heard from many of our classmates.  Please encourage your fellow Cougars to update their information on ClassCreator (for this and future reunion) and to sign up for our Reunion weekend in September.

Go Cougars!


Dear Cubberley Class of 1975:

Wow!  Has it been 40 years already?  It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were roaming the halls of Cubberley together.

We are having a 40 year reunion!   The main event will be on Saturday, September 12th at the Palo Alto Art Center (next to the Main Library) with food, drinks, music, and other activities. 

We are also planning our traditional Sunday picnic at Mitchell Park as well as a Friday evening gathering at Rossotti’s  (aka Alpine Inn) and mini-reunion activities during the day on Saturday.

We will be providing all the details for these events here on 

Please register on this website to make sure we have the best contact information for you for this reunion (as well as future ones!).   Everyone is a "Missing Classmate" until they register.  Even if you can't come to this reunion, please register on the site so that we can find you in the future.

Please help spread the word about the reunion and our ClassCreator site. 

If you know someone on the "Missing" list, please encourage them to visit the site and sign up.

This site will also allow you to communicate with fellow classmates and share your stories and photos from the last four decades.

Hope you can make it.  If not, check in to our website periodically to see what everyone has been up to and look for photos that we will be posting after the reunion.

If you have any questions or want to help out, contact anyone on the planning committee.

Go Cougars!

Your reunion committee:  Allyson Smith, Janis McLachlan, John Fok, Judy Williams