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If you were transported back to high school, what would you take with you ......

  Plain old Cell Phone
  nothing! is over-rated!


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alaska
2 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
37 live in Minnesota
1 lives in New York
2 live in North Dakota
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
70 location unknown

Thanks for visiting! and Welcome to the Park Rapids HS class of '88 website! 

 Welcome to our site, and have a great 2010!! Seemed like just yesterday it was 1999, and everyone was gearing up for Y2K.  Can't believe 10 years has passed by already!


Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone this past year...and this year who will turn the BIG 4-0 !!!


We had our class reunion last summer in 2008.....

20 yrs already??? Where did the time go! If you missed it, check out the reunion photos!

This is will be a great site and we can do alot with has a built in message forum already.   You can update your profile with pictures and videos. We can also do fun polls and also surveys for future class reunions. So, if you want to have input into the where/when/how, you can. We can also collect money (via paypal) on this site for the reunion costs. 

As well, we could send out emails to keep people updated on important events or notices regarding people in our class.

Most importantly, it's all free! When you get a chance, update your profile by clicking on your name etc. etc.

Enjoy the Site! 


Randy Peterson  10/8