In Memory

Mary Helen Kistler

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10/07/13 10:45 PM #1    

Renny Harris (McGovern)

I went to college with May Helen and kept touch with her through her life. We had much fun in college with the usual pranks of short sheeted beds and other good fun. After college, she married Glenda Smith's cousin Lee Murdock. There were adventures visiting at their home in Springerville, AZ when my children were young. Those were happy times. I remember shortly before she died they dropped by my house to visit on their way to Hawaii for a dream vacation. I had the feeling then and still do today that it was to say goodbye. May she rest with peace and light.

10/09/13 09:17 PM #2    

Juliet Leister (Efros)

MaryHelen was a very dear friend. Renny and I brought our families up to Springerville for a fun weekend.  My son Scott got really stuck in the mud by a stock pond.  Her husband Lee laid boards out on the mud to get to him and get him out minus a shoe!  She never did teach school as they changed her assignment 2-3 times before the school term started and she finally told them no.  She trained for older students and their last offer was for  second grade.  Yes, every level has unique demand for various skills and many do not transfer.  So she went to work for the newspaper up there. And yes, she had her grand piano up there.

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