In Memory

Adam Long

Adam Long

Deceased Classmate: Adam Long
Date Deceased: 06-29-2008
Age at Death: 27
Cause of Death: unkown
Classmate City: wayne county
Classmate State: MI
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Adam is survived by his son, Tyler; his mother and father; his sister, Lindsay and two brothers, Jeff and Derek

Adam was/is such a sweet man, he was quiet but very funny. I only heard about his death a little while ago and was shocked that a "kid" (someone so young) I once knew had passed away. I remember him as such a shy individual but he loved sports and his friends and family. I am so sad that he is gone, I do not claim to have known him as well as his sports buddies but from what he did show me of himself I feel as though he should be remembered fondley. Good bye Adam you WILL be missed! Lauren Thompkins