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•   Dr. Sonia Clayton (Blackwell)  5/9
•   Craig Melhorn (Melhorn)  12/10
•   Rhonda Marquette Bohannon Johnson (None)  8/19
•   Freddie LeRoy Green  4/13
•   Judith Anne Miller (Emmanuel)  4/13
•   Michael Brunson  1/23
•   William M. Pack  11/30
•   Cynthia Diane Jones (Schaffer)  7/12
•   Tonya Eheman (Finley)  4/15
•   Evelyn Rose Nutt (Plummer)  10/31
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
116 live in Arkansas
1 lives in California
5 live in Colorado
3 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
3 live in Illinois
2 live in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
3 live in Louisiana
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Mississippi
5 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
5 live in Oklahoma
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
8 live in Tennessee
34 live in Texas
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Mexico
399 location unknown
26 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 31.5%

A:   192   Joined
B:   417   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Hello Classmates!!!!! 

          The 30th Class Reunion lived up to our slogan "Thirty Times Greater, Thirty Years Later".  We had a very good turnout and enjoyed ourselves to the fullest.   Thanks to all the classmates that helped make this event happen. Thanks also to all the encouragement love and support that the Reunion Committee has received. 

          Keep in mind that this class website is ongoing and it is for our class to continue to communication with each other and to share information with each other.  The website is designed for you to upload pictures to your profile or to add photos/videos to the Class Photo Gallery under the designated folders.  Other classmates can view these photos/videos. Please take advantage of this site.   Participate in the forums.

                                                            POST REUNION SALE ITEMS

Please select the link "Post Reunion Items"  to purchase items related to the 30th Class Reunion.  Items are now avaiilable for purchase.  Classmates in Pine Bluff can place their order online and select cash, money order, or cahier's check  as form of payment ( will pay money to Roslyn Daniels- cell 870-794-4116), if desired.  The option to pay online is available to all, out of town classmates, etc.  An additional credit card fee will be charged for online orders.  Please add 4.9% to your total bill, when making your payment.   Please allow 10 to 14 days for t-shirt orders and 5-7 days for all other orders.