Reunion Committees

Seekers – Perfect for all you out of towners – tune up google and your old network of friends – let’s find our class! 
Tellers – Perfect for classmates who can’t come to meetings easily. This committee will publicize the website, the reunion, and the activities to the community at large. This will be writing press releases and providing reunion information to submit in church bulletins.
Planners – Will look into fun things we can do during the gatherings.   Terri Franklin and Adrienne Lee-Jones has volunteered their expertise in this area. If anyone would like to assist them please contact us. Stay tuned as these develop!
Hospitality – This group will work with local hotels for block bookings and discounted rates. Some hotels offer specials if we exclusively use their hotel including a free meeting room.  
Welcomers – Another great committee for out of towners. This group will staff the check in table, organize the packets for registration, and make the buttons that will serve as nametags.
Treasurer – This will be an important position. We plan to use the Class Creator relationship with Paypal to accept registrations for the reunion, but someone still has to write the checks and receive the money. For all those CPAs in our class…this is a great opportunity to assist with our reunion.
Memory Committee – This group will work on a slide show of old and new pictures to show during the Reunion. This is another great committee for our out-of-towners! This committee will also scan all the pictures from the year book to be used by the Welcomers with the nametag buttons. The sky is the limit for this committee – it could even do a “What the world was like…” video. We would also like to give a monetary gift on behalf of our class. Also, thought some sort of recognition of the classmates no longer with us would be appropriate. 
Decorators – If needed, this committee will decorate for Saturday night event.    This would be the table decorations, balloons, entry table/check in, and some prop for photo backdrop. Decorators will report to the planning committee.
Directory – This committee will create a class directory to be provided to the attendees. A graphic designer will help make this awesome! 
Nikki Reynolds-Stephens has agreed to serve as the Official Class of 1989 Webmaster!
Here are the Committees for the Reunion. Find your passion and volunteer! Please contact us and let us know how you would like to help. Note that several of these committees are perfect for out-of-towners!
