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•   Dan Keeley  6/13
•   Chris Graner  6/9
•   Mark Zerilla  4/24
•   William Einloth (Einloth)  4/23
•   Jim Kramer  4/20
•   Peter Davin  1/13
•   Wayne Mitzen  11/2
•   Daryl Woods (Chrisman)  8/2
•   Lynne Mills (Stroyne)  7/24
•   Donna Stark (Giordano)  4/14
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•   Donna Gigliotti (Hornyak)  9/20
•   Kenneth Ruffing (Ruffing)  9/20
•   Bill Higgins  9/22
•   Joe Pacella  9/22
•   Jean Rutter  9/22
•   Mark Sheldon  9/22
•   Richard Beynon  9/24
•   Scott M Simmons  9/26
•   Steven D McKenzie  9/28
•   Kurt Dimpel  9/30
•   Rodney May  10/2
•   Barbara Banks (Woodbury)  10/3
•   Tina Perkins (Amore)  10/3
•   Renee Fera  10/4
•   Linda Steiner-Stadtfeld  10/4
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
5 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
2 live in District Of Columbia
24 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
6 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
2 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
8 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
4 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
4 live in New York
10 live in North Carolina
9 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
230 live in Pennsylvania
6 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
11 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
10 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
4 live in West Virginia
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
2 live in Ontario
1 lives in Saudi Arabia
437 location unknown
62 are deceased


In the meantime, we'll keep the info below as a reminder for what we did for our 45th year reunion...


**** UPDATE as of July 21st, 2022 ****

Good News... We were able to establish the Reunion as a Private Party... Those of you, who told us that you are coming... get those monies in... Required by 8/18 Those promises helped us to commit ... The cost to pay at the door will be $60.00 ($10 more).

We can have a GREAT party WITHOUT YOU or WITH YOU...  We TRULY PREFER that it is WITH YOU!!  If you have not already signed up... please give it one last thought!

Since we needed more attending our Friday Event, we opened up invitations to the Baldwin Classes of '75, '76 and '78.
If you have family or friends from those classes… please reach out to them.
If you are planning on attending and have NOT sent in your monies for the FRIDAY Event… please send us a message at we will pencil you in.
The Saturday night event was cancelled due to the low turnout as we had 63 attending and needed 125.  We are very disappointed that we had to do this.  To those who paid for both events.... we will refund you for the Saturday event, we can give you your refund when you arrive at the Friday event or send you a check, let us know. If you are now choosing not to attend either event, please email us: **Provide your full mailing address. 
Any additional questions, please email us at
FRIDAY August 26th, 2022 7 PM to Midnight
Friday night set up for casual evening at the Crafthouse with a band, dancing, food and cash bar.
Cost for the event: $ 50.00 per person if paid in advance, $60 at the door.
We will be providing the Venue, a Live Band, Drink Ticket an Appetizer Bar (mid-event)
Location: 5024 Curry Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236
If you are paying by check please make the checks payable to: Baldwin Class of 1977
Send Checks to:
Nadine Schneider
1554 Amelia Ave
South Park, PA 15129
Or scan this QR Code to pay...

UPDATED NAMES & NUMBERS as of August 23rd, 2022...

FRIDAY NIGHT: 191 registered

JUNE 10TH was when we hoped to get 200 registered so the event could be private.

We will keep posting the current lists.

Thank You, Nadine for all of your hard work, tracking the monies and organizing these lists.


  • Abbiatici, Mike & Kerry (Class of 78)
  • Abbiatici, Ray
  • Androski, John
  • Arin, Kathy
  • Aul, Ginny Castillo & William
  • Bachner, Judy
  • Bakalarczyk, Nadine Schneider
  • Battaglia, Anthony & Diane
  • Beynon, Rich & Gretchen
  • Bird, Susan
  • Blohm, Lisa
  • Bobeck, Jeff & Ann
  • Bondi, Linda Salge & Jon
  • Brazen, Cynthia (Class of 75)
  • Brazen, Donna Francis
  • Brazen, Norma Rezzetano (Class of 1980)
  • Bronder, Pete & Angela
  • Brown, Larry
  • Brown, Leslie Zona & Dan
  • Carver, Bill & Susan
  • Chapman, Scott & Lenora
  • Chewning, Lisa Stone
  • Cioletti, Joe
  • Coe, Patricia Gallo (Class of 78) & H. Badger
  • Costa, Diane Calderone
  • Cummings, Robbie Coxon (Class of 75)
  • Davin, Pete
  • DelBianco, Steve
  • DiBartola, Wayne & Gloria
  • Disney, Kep & Debra
  • Dobson, Gail Mikush
  • Doud, Art
  • Dougher, Bob & Carol
  • Downs, Donna Eppard & Kevin
  • Dugina, Diana
  • Edwards, Michele Calvert & Rick
  • Fera, Renee
  • Ferrari, Mark
  • Frederick, Lynn Ziter & Don (Class of 78)
  • Frisch, Dennis & Sherry
  • Gazica, Eric & Brenda
  • Geis, Richard
  • Giles, Jim
  • Gromo, Debbie Hesse
  • Haberman, Randy & Robin (Schmidt)
  • Hasis, Linda & Ed Scheuermann (Class of 76)
  • Hawkins, Mark
  • Hessie, Rich
  • Hiliard, William
  • Hipchen, Mark & Evelyn
  • Hobson, Karen Laufer & Glenn
  • Hoey, James
  • Hogle, Beverly
  • Kachulis, Geroge (Class of 78)
  • Kaczmarek, Larry
  • Kaszak, Kenneth (Class of 76)
  • Kerh, Kit Swinson
  • Kirby, Steve & Tammy
  • Kozlowski, LeeAnn Reiter
  • MacCallum, Tracy Lydon
  • Macher, Debbie Doyle & Jill Cornelius
  • Mackey, Pat
  • Marquis, John & Doreen (Gebhart)
  • Marsteller, Rick & Susan (Heilman)
  • Matesic, Lisa Sorochman
  • McKown, David & Danette
  • Milinski, Cynthia Begly & Mark
  • Milinski, Michele Fausti & Michael
  • Miller, Karen Vinoverski & Mark
  • Mincin, Rita (Class of 78)
  • Moses, Mark
  • Murawski, Paul
  • Neice, Luke & Patty
  • Nikituk, Jacob (Class of 78)
  • Niro, Tony
  • Noonan, Tim
  • O'Keefe, Rege
  • Orbell, Mark & Patricia
  • Palma, Sue Jergel
  • Pascaretta, Julene Pegher
  • Pfeifer, David & Deborah
  • Phillips, Lisa Dowling
  • Phillips, Tom & Deborah
  • Pitts, Steve & Susan
  • Purtell, Mary
  • Quinque, Sue
  • Reitmeyer, Mary Ellen Lyons
  • Reitmeyer, Mike
  • Rezzatano, Norma (Class of 75)
  • Sakmar, David & Lisa
  • Scarr, David & Barbara
  • Scherbanic, Margaret (Class of 75)
  • Schlumberger, Linda Brantley & Chris
  • Schmaltz, Pam Baughman (Class of 78)
  • Schmitt, Bill & Peggy
  • Schneider, Ed & Diane
  • Schultz, Keith & Bea (Sisler)
  • Schutte, Sue Profeta & Michael
  • Seitz, Dave
  • Sheldon, Mark
  • Sherwood, Kim Stephens & Bruce
  • Simmons, Scott & Laura
  • Solomon, Rick & Gail Gurcak (both Class of 78)
  • Soukup, Jack (graduated at Thomas Jefferson)
  • Stadtfeld, Randy & Connie
  • Steiner, Linda Stadtfeld & Wallace
  • Stoernell, Joe
  • Sullivan, Brian
  • Then, Paul & Mary Beth
  • Valdiserri, Michael & Jeannine (Walker)
  • Vance, Cynthia Czornij (Class of 76)
  • Vance, Ed
  • Veith, Tim & Marcia
  • Verner, Dan & Jane
  • Vesley, Ed
  • Vietmeier, Check
  • Virgara, Dave
  • Wallace, Lee Ann & Larry Wallace
  • Wesling, Janet Hensler & Paul
  • Winovich, Pete & Anina
  • Zaremski, Sharon Friedman & Paul
  • Zurku, Eric

45TH BALDWIN 1977 CLASS REUNION coming up fast!

REUNION: August 26, 2022

One great night of Fun, Enjoyment & lots of Reminiscing from our days at Baldwin High Schoool

FRIDAY August 26th, 2022 7pm to Midnight

A casual evening at the Crafhouse with a band, dancing, food and cash bar.

Cost for the event: $50.00 per person

We will be providing the Venue, a Live Band, Drink Ticket and an Appetizer Bar (mid-event)

Location: 5024 Curry Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236

We need to be able to guarantee 200 guests for the Crafthouse by this date, in order to lock in the venue as a private event.

If you are paying by check please make the checks payable to: Baldwin Class of 1977

Send Checks to:

Nadine Schneider

1554 Amelia Avenue

South Park, PA. 15129

If you would like to pay using VENMO, then please scan this QR code...


Save the dates now and spread the word!


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Please add, share and invite those you know.

If this is your first time here, please take a moment to bookmark this page, create a login and update your contact information. (Rest assured that your personal information will not be shared with others.  Any contact information you provide on the website remains hidden unless you choose to make it available.)

This website is for everyone who went to school with our class of 1977, whether you graduated or not, or moved away before graduation.

The site has been created to help you reconnect with old friends and classmates and to provide reunion information.