In Memory

Dale McFeatters

Dale McFeatters

Our classmate Dale McFeatters passed away in Tacoma, WA 11-16-2021.  He died of metastasized prostate cancer and complications from parkinsons desease.   Dale and his wife met while working for the Pittsburgh Press Newspaper and married in 1969.  They had been married for 52 years.  They lived in Tacoma, WA.  

Dale was 80 years old and was born in Pittsburgh, PA  He graduated from Mt. Lebanon HS in 1959 and graduated from Colgate University.  He attended graduate school in France.  Dale spent 3 years in in the Peace Corps in Malawi and then became an award winning reporter for the Pittsburgh Press.

In 1969 he became the Washington correspondent for the Birmingham(AL) Post Herald.  Later he became a national correspondant for Scripps Howard, where he covered several presidential campaigns and often reported from abroad.  He retired in 2015.

Dale was a member of The Gridiron Club, The National Press Club andThe Association of Opinion Journalists.

Dale is survived by his wife, Ann, two sons, a daughter, two grandsons and one granddaughter.

The family will hold a celebration of Dale's life in Springfield, Ohio in the summer of 2022.

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12/10/21 09:14 AM #2    

Skip Livingston

I couldn't help thinking of the time Dale was sitting next to me in English class and he passed me a cartoon he had drawn, showing two African tribesmen standing next to a large pot that held a man dressed in royal clothing.  The caption was "Have a Duke."  I burst out laughing.  Miss Elliott was not amused.

12/10/21 10:50 AM #3    

William Sickels

Dale was a good friend to all and a good athlete.  He ran track and was a member of several winning relay teams.  He was always creative and I believe he took over the cartoon his father started in one of the Pittsburgh newspapers.  I have the pleasure of living in the same neighborhood as his sister, on Skidaway Island, just off of Savannah.  She is married to Chuck Koepke, All American football player from Pitt.  They have kept me apraised of Dales "issues" and declining health.   May he rest in peace!!



12/11/21 09:48 AM #4    

Robin (Rosemary) McManus

Dale was my best friend before we started high school. He and I would take on all the other neighborhood kids for a game of touch football and we would always win! A lovely man that I last saw at dinner at his home some years ago.

12/11/21 11:34 AM #5    

Donald Dewees

Dale was a good friend with a quick wit and a wry sense of humor. We sometimes sat together in class and exchanged notes on girls we dreamed of dating. When Miss Elliott’s English class compiled some of our poems and compositions, he titled it ‘Out of our Lives and Minds’. We read a poem by Edwin Markham: ‘He drew a circle that shut me out – heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win: we drew a circle and took him in!’ Dale’s variation completely changed the meaning by replacing the last line: ‘when out on the lake: we pushed him in!’ At our last reunion Dale had developed mobility problems but he persisted in attending all the functions. I will miss him. May he rest in peace.

12/12/21 06:31 AM #6    

Carolyn Moore (Newberger)

My connection to Dale was a bit unusual for our high school culture.  On Sunday afternoons I ushered for the Pittsburgh Symphony concerts.  That way I attended the concerts for free.  Dale and I would often drive back and forth together.  He was a delight and I so enjoyed his company.  We were closet high brows, I guess.


12/12/21 01:10 PM #7    

Jerry Negele (Hoffman)

Such sad news about Dale!  He truly had a remarkable history, and an amazing life!!!  Jerry Negele Hoffman.

12/12/21 02:07 PM #8    

Edwin Zehfuss

I am so sorry to hear of Dale's passing, we were great friends since junior high.  I was honored when Dale asked me to be his best man at his and Ann's wedding.  Linda and I visited with Dale and Ann back and forth when we lived in Cherry Hill, NJ and they were in DC.  Over the years Dale and I got together many times when I was in the DC area on business.  When we were young Dale and I used to watch his father draw cartoons as Dale Sr. had a syndicated cartoon "Strickly Business" on the financial page of Scripps Howard News Papers, the Pittsbugh Press being one of them.  After college Dale and I would go on weekends to his fathers cabin that had a small lake to drink beer and shoot snapping turtles when their head would stick out of the water.  We always claimed we got one but....I don't think so.  Dale was a great guy with a wonderful wit, rest in peace my friend.

12/12/21 08:25 PM #9    

Jean Scott (Schembs)

I remember Dale fondly.  We when to St Paul's Episcopal Church throughout our school years and our families were friends.  He was fun loving, witty and such a talented cartoonist, taking after his father.  We reconnected at our 60  high school reunion and reminisced about our growing up years.  Rest In Peace Dale!  It was a pleasure to know him and call him my friend.

12/13/21 05:15 PM #10    

Nancy Sander (Haas)

So sorry to hear about Dale. We were so close during high school but rarely heard from each other after college. I did keep up with him and hope his family is doing well. I loved his parents and Grandmother a lot. He was an amazing man. 

12/13/21 06:34 PM #11    

Frederick Ohsol

Dale and his wife were already in DC when we moved back to Pittsburgh.  We did enjoy reading their articles published in the Pittsburgh papers.  Dale as a Scrips-Howard syndicated contributor and Ann as the Washington Correspondant for the Post Gazette.  It is nice that they were very successfou in a very competitive field.

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