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08/30/17 12:03 AM #1    


Margaret Yakich (Duffy)

I just want to thank all of you for attending our "50th Reunion" and helping to make it such a great success!  There was so much laughter, hugging and gabbing going on that it sounded just like the first day of school when we'd all meet after a sweltering summer.  We have exciting, sad, and happy memories from our years at St Raphael's High...the NUNS, homework, gym class, music and of course , our dances and "Spring Festivals".  

I'm so grateful for having the opportunity to go to a school where I didn't have to worry about boys....We we all just our simple selves, some smarter than others but in the end, we made it to our 50th whether we had all "A"s on our report cards or a few "D"s.   Somehow God leads us ...and I'm thankful for knowing all of you.   August 20, 2017 was truly a beautiful memory I will NEVER forget!  

Thank you Mary Kirk-Durgee, for helping "from a distance" but only an e-mail or phone call away, to Linda Zottolla Boland for the "Organic Soaps" that she and her husband Rich worked on, to all who donated baskets, wine, giftcards and extra $$$.  Also thanks to Chrissy Coluccio, Rozlyn Cherry and Kathy Welsh-Lazjo for helping set up as I just "burnt-out".    And of course, thanks to my dear husband Jim, who helped me tirelessly and never complained...what a guy!

The day came and went too quickly but in our minds we'll remember the sounds of each others voices, the faces we've not seen in a while and look back at all the photos taken.  This web page that Mary Kirk started it the best thing ever...THANKS for the Memories !!!   HUMPH...sounds like a song I know ! 

Can hardly wait to see you all again!   Love you all (and I mean it!).   Always your Friend,

                                                                                                       Peggy Yakich-Duffy








06/13/19 07:07 AM #2    

Margaret Joyce (Dworek)

I just want to inform everyone of the sadness yesterday with the passing of Sr. Carolyn Marie (Donna Marie Beck). Over the past 5-10 yrs., after retiring from Duquesne, she had went to Baden. My sister , Sr. Melissa and her were together for a good 15 yrs before that. Anyway Mellissa (my sister Mary) called me yesterday and told me the sadness and now Sr. Carolyn Marie as we all knew her is in a better place in the hands of the Lord.

Viewing will be on Sunday from 1-530pm followed by a 6pm prayer time and everyone is welcomed. The continuewd viewing will be on Monday from 11-230. The funeral mass will take place in the Baden chapel at 4pm.


Mary had mentioned that Donna was in the order for 70 now with her passing there ar only 4 of her classmates left who entered when she did. Donna was 87. Her laast few years ,she had been failing with kidney problems and also had been on oxygen 24/7

Mary said more detail would probably be in Pgh PG and perhaps the Beaver newspaper.

I remember music appreciation classes with you and also your vibrant enthusiasm with the orchestra and I played the you will have the orchestra playing for your entrance into a better home...

So RIP and know you were one of our favorite nuns.  Peggy Joyce (Dworek)




06/20/19 10:03 AM #3    


Clare Morris (Marker)

I am so sorry to hear of "my hero" Sister Carolyn Marie's death.  She is definitely with God and the Angels now. She was an Angel to me.  In High School I had low self-esteem (I know, I hid it well) and she made me feel special.  She'd call me Clare Bear all the time!  Also, I have such good memories of all our fabulous Stage Productions and all choreographed by HER!  In another life she must have been a dancer or great muscian! She's dancing with the Angels now.  Sister Carolyn Marie you will be missed here on Earth! Love, Clare


06/22/19 12:53 PM #4    

Margaret Joyce (Dworek)

A few years ago Cindy Colarusso had a simple surgical procedure done at Shadyside and although I did not do her care, I recognized her name  I asked her if I could take and keep her phone number and she said  "yes". I did call her today and told her about Sister Donna Marie passing last week and she was glad I called her. I only thought it was a courteous thing to do. She doesn't have a computer and so just like Jean Holler both have been notified. We spoke for about 10 min. Nothing new with her. I was glad she answered the phone since in today's world there are so many robo calls.

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