In Memory

David Mayer

Dave's Memorial Car Cruise:   those who plan to attend to send a message of how many will be attending. His family is trying to get an approximate number so they can provide food. email Thank you so much! Patty (Hicks) Caito-Psioda

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09/07/22 07:25 AM #1    

Patty Hicks (Marlatt-Caito-Psioda)

There will be a Celebration of Life Car Cruise for Dave Mayer who passed away onAugust 26.  It will be held on Sunday, October 2 from 1-5 PM at the Mifflin Social Club, 4025 Irene Street, West Mifflin, 15122.  If you plan to attend, please send Patty (Hicks) Caito-Psioda a message with the number attending to since the family would like to plan fo have snacks for everyone.

 Dave was a great friend, husband and Dad to three gorgeous girls and LOVED antique cars.  They are going to celebrate his life doing what he loved to do best, a car cruise.  They hope to see you there and hear your memories of Dave.

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