In Memory

Denny Mellon

Denny passed on December 15, 1995
He was in a car accident.

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04/27/08 11:37 AM #1    

Ben Boling

Denny was mischievious and seemed like he was always getting into trouble. I never had a bad encounter with him. I remember him coming in to class singing in that deep baratone voice "I Killed A Bear" on numereous occasions, which I thought was funny. Also remember him and Teresa Climo had a thing going which eventually ended up in marriage. I hope I am correct on that. Someone let me know if I am wrong please and I'll fix this.

06/27/08 03:19 PM #2    

Teresa Mellon

Sorry Ben but it was Teresa Clymer.
Denny passed Dec.15 of 1995

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