Classmate Profiles

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Donna Alberado
Lila Allen
Lisa Badeaux
Laurie Banta
John "Plug" Barlow
Kenny Becnel
Sharon Becnel
Robert Brou
Rhett Brown
Kerry Callegan
Aubrey Champagne
Emily D'Albor
Cheryl Dugas
Ann Dupont
Michael Dupuy
Landon Dyer
Lesha Embry
Wendell Fournerat
Lisa Freeman
Mark Gilbert
Ginger Goulas (Ourso)
Michael Harelson
Mary Harp
Jeffrey Hebert   
Anita Hymel
Daniel Hymel
Louis Kelly  
Mary Elizabeth Kember
Fay Kocke
David Lamothe
Craig Landry
Kim Landry
Rickie LeBlanc
Gigi Lefebvre
Jeanne Louis
Randy Marchand
Aimee Marionneaux
Howard 'Happy' Marionneaux
Mark Migliacio
Janet Miller
Michael Morgan
Rachel Nadler
Morris Nichols
Lora Ourso (Brown)   
Kelly Passantino (Alberado)
Philip Pepper
Charlotte Pitre (Gomez)
Karen Reinhardt
Robyn Richard (Cedotal)
Catherine Rinaudo
Roger Rivet
Ward Roshto  
Phyllis Scarsone
Lyle Simoneaux
Eric Smith
Dee Theriot  
Boyd Trahan
Lynda Williamson
Debbie Zeringue
Andrew Zito

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