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•   Tom Awando  12/9
•   Tino Hruschka  3/10
•   Elizabeth Facuseh (Yague)  9/26
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•   Angela Nygaard  5/9
•   Philippe Atrous  5/3
•   David Freeland  5/1
•   Esther Brühlmann  4/24
•   Silja Kunze  3/21
•   An Theeuwes  3/20
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Dear all,

Are you looking forward to meet up in Poitiers?

Only one more day to go. We know some of you are already traveling today, which is why we give the final heads up for this gala weekend.
Although the official program starts Friday 1 June 2012 at 18.30 hours we hope you will be able to come a little earlier and join us at the Café du Théatre at the Place du Maréchal Leclerc.

Willem Heemskerk and Ignace Bral will be there from 16.00 hours onward. Please bring your pictures and memorabilia from the days back. When enough material is present, we will try to scan and bundle it on USB-sticks against cost price. Also we will make it available on the website

There is a bus (n°1) from VITALIS that takes you in only 10 minutes from Place Charles de Gaulle to the Maison des Etudiants, where the official program kicks off at 18.30 hour in the Maison des étudiants at 40, Avenue du recteur Pineau, with drinks and food, offered to us by the University. French and exchange-students currently studying in Poitiers are invited to attend as well.

Saturday 2 June 2012 the Mayor of Poitiers will welcome us at 18.00 hour in the Salon d’Honneur at the Hôtel de Ville, Place du Maréchal-Leclerc, with bubbles and a speech. Local press will cover the occasion and we, the organizers, will obviously hand over a gift to the City of Poitiers to thank them for their hospitality.
Afterwards a grand gala, from 20.00 hours onwards, with a four course dinner and dance will be held at the Salons des Blossac , 9, Rue de la Tranchée, where a professional DJ will be expecting us and … the Bill Nico band will play again in its original line-up. Drinks will be served free of charge until Sunday 3 June 2012, 2 a.m.

For clothing suggestions, we just propose everyone does as she or he pleases, but obviously make it as "festive" as possible :-)

All through the weekend a professional photographer will be present to ensure our (rusty) moves will be captured for eternity.
We are very grateful for your enthusiastic response, all the support by the University and the City of Poitiers and are looking forward to a great trip down memory lane.
Any question for these last days can be asked by calling anyone of our organizing committee on the following mobile numbers :

Willem Heemskerk : + 31 6 20600822
Olivier van Hardenbroek : + 31 6 50290067
Ignace Bral : + 32 478 45 37 35
Bart Noë : + 31 6 55395219
