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09/24/21 08:15 PM #74    

Karen Muth (Jones)

Sorry I will not be able to attend the Reunion.  I live in Houston and am coming to DC for a family event and will not be able to make a repeat trip later in the month.  Y'all have fun!

09/28/21 02:22 AM #75    


Patricia Lee

My husband, Steve Tyring, and I will be attending.   Steve is especially excited about attending a reunion since his high school in Indiana closed with his graduating class of 11 students.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone too! I was always in awe of my smart accomplished classmates.  I have always wanted to try Normandy Farm and so I'm glad the gala will be there.  We are flying in from Houston late Friday night so we will be attending the Saturday festivities.

09/28/21 05:57 PM #76    


Liz Bagnall (Scarito)

Hey, Patty, so glad you will be attending!  After all these years, will we be able to recognize each other, lol.  We can reminisce about fencing club.  Liz (Bagnall) Scarito

09/28/21 09:35 PM #77    

John Viqueira

Reunion Time is almost Here!!

Hey Classmates - Its only a little over 2 weeks till the Party of the last Half Century!!

Prices will go up soon so make your plans and get your payments in. Hope to see everyone there. 

Send checks to John Viqueira - 453 Avenida Del Norte, Sarasota, Fla. 34242

See your There!!


09/30/21 06:22 PM #78    


Stephen Schoenly


JV:  it was great talking to you last week.  It solved several mysteries that has bothered me for many years. Today I turned 70 and my golf pro beat me by four strokes. I was two strokes from golfing my NEW age😖.

I will not be able to make the reunion as I've prior commitments, although I wish everyone well. 






10/03/21 09:19 PM #79    

Guy Semmes (Semmes)

Glenstone Museum passes still available for Sunday Oct 17.  If you are interested just email me at  More information under 'Sunday Events' on Home Page.

10/04/21 02:14 PM #80    


David Hintz

Will Heyer !! Yes the VW transporter mother ship. And you taught me how to ride a motorcycle!
I hope you're doing well!

10/04/21 02:17 PM #81    


David Hintz

Will Heyer !! Yes the VW transporter mother ship. And you taught me how to ride a motorcycle!
I hope you're doing well!

10/06/21 04:25 PM #82    


Clifton Moore

Dear Classmates,
Sorry to say, I will not be attending the reunion of 2021 (postponed).
Alaska is currently experiencing a covid crisis with daily detections at disturbing levels.
The last 18 months can be characterized by daily bike rides with a couple who we have been close with for 30 years. This same period of time has seen affection for my Tesla model 3 only grow stronger. This car has a personality that I would happily explain were we pounding pints. Yes, it is good in the Fairbanks cold though my car has never seen the inside of a garage.
Recent history has helped me to realize what a balloon of patriotism and privilege we all lived in. In retrospect, every aspect of our education was targeted at supporting the American narrative. I forgive myself for being ignorant of systemic racism. I was actively protected from that history. I was instructed to remember that the civil war ended in 1864. Did it?  And I don't need to remind any of you about the trauma of Vietnam.
So we got to see the entire story arch repeat itself with the invasion of Iraq. And Afghanistan. What a tragedy our ignorance has yielded.
Now, I learn that black lives matter. Had there not been cell phones recording a murder, I would likely still think the world was just.
Then we had to survive Trump. I always trusted that Democracy and term limits would protect us from tyranny. This is just more "delivered knowledge" that was more propaganda. Trump is clearly not done with his project to destroy the entire American experiment. For those of you who are Trump cultist, there is just no talking to you, just f... off. (This edit is to check for a bot editor)
Trauma, or at least drama, causes sparks of memory that at times may be reconstructed with a surprising sense of fidelity. Friends and teammates were important to me, and I hold firm images of each of you. But the head count is small. We were a tight group, validating each other and supporting each other and having fun.
The tone of this missive is intentional. Perhaps I can provide some shelter for Curt Wolf's shade thrown at the class. Curt's whining about not being an "in crowd rich kid" was the most activating statement in the blog. He was confident enough to not only write the note, but then he sent it. Curt, please imagine that many of us could have written what you did.  We were teanagers.
Those of you who remember who I was will hopefully remember that my priorities have always been to seek the adventure and fun from every experience. I'm not proud of this striving for self indulgence, but it does explain a lot.
In case there is any doubt about human caused climate change: I spent my entire career participating in the collection of scientific data for the Geophysical Institute which has demonstrated that human caused destruction of the earth is a real thing. Is it too late to fix it?
I see how things work, and I don't see it happening.
In closing, I would like to brag about my three daughters and one son. All well educated contributors to the future. And my wife of 42 years, it would have been boring without her complicity.
Love you all and have fun. Hope to see you at the next reunion.
Clifton Moore
PS Ride fat bikes (pioneered by someone I know in Fairbanks). They are the best.

10/06/21 05:18 PM #83    

Frederick Foote

Dear Clif: Really sorry I won't be seeing you at the reunion. Any chance you could still make it? I just got in and out of Israel during COVID, and though I needed 8 different permits (from 3 government ministries), and a violation of passport rules, and a near-takedown by Israeli security at JFK airport, to do it, it did prove possible. Really admire your long residence in Alaska and your contribution to environmental issues. Will always consider you one of the Wild at Heart (you know some of the memories I mean). 

My email is, shoot me a line when you have time. Shalom, Fred

10/07/21 11:31 AM #84    


Joel Lerner

Dear Classmates,  

I only attended Churchill for my junior and senior years and really did not make that many deep friendships in that short time.  While I did attend our 40th Reunion, I won't be present for the upcoming Reunion. I had the privilege of delivering the Valedictory Address at our graduation.  I just read my old speech and was shocked by the relevance of a few of my observations and thought I would share some of them.

In June 1970, I stated that the problems our world faced included, "Indochina, overpopulation, the ecological crisis, discrimination, and the Middle East situation."  (I guess I was naive to not suspect these issues would have such staying power).  I also indicated that as we entered "the adult world," we would be expected to offer "intelligent and informed opinions" and that it would be embarrassing to "not have a basic grasp of the facts."  "Being informed is the primary obligation" but it is also of "utmost importance to respect the next person's opinion."  "If both parties unequivocally insist on having their way, they will succeed only in polarizing the members of their society."  "Generalizations do serve a purpose on a primary level, but they should not be used to support one's position in analyzing a critical situation." "...[W]e all have a responsibility to work for positive change ... this attitude is extremely important if we want to live long enough to see our children question the values of the notorious Establishment, a group to which most of us will certainly belong." 

I congratulate all for making it to this milestone and am I very impressed by the many enduring friendships that are evidenced through all of the posts on this site!  

Best wishes to all,     

Joel Lerner










10/08/21 09:50 AM #85    


Deborah Krausse


Hi Joel,

I just read the post about your Valedictorian speech and was impressed with your insight at such an early age. Too bad you will not be at our 50th high school reunion . . . it would be interesting for you to give a "current day update" to your speech . . . perhaps you could do so in this message forum. 

Curious . . . what did you end up doing in life? I have always been envious of others who took their high school years a bit more serious than me. It was not until my junior year that I settled down and studied.  I was having too much fun with my high school boyfriend, Bill Earman, who I eventually married and divorced. A high school romance that lasted 20 years.

I plan to attend the reunion with my best friend, Susan Wohlfarth.  We grew up together in Willerburn Acres and met around age 10.  For those who do not know, Susan (then Susie) was Miss Maryland in the 1974 Miss America pageant.  

Looking forward to seeing our classmates at the reunion next week.

Deborah Krausse', MBA, SHRM-SCP








10/09/21 10:46 PM #86    

Barbara Malcom (Katz)

Greetings class of 1970!  I'm sorry that I will not be able to join the festivities next weekend.  I wanted to share a picture and interesting coincidence.  I have been in Maryland this weekend to attend the Quince Orchard HS 2nd athletic hall of fame induction ceremony. Our youngest daughter was a member of the QO class of 1996. She was honored as a member of the track and field team.  Another inductee whom you might remember was Thomas Kautz, who taught math at WCHS before becoming the athletic director at QO. Unfortunately, he passed away in 1993, but was inducted this weekend. The award was accepted by his son whom I spoke with and reminisced with.  The gym at QO is also named after him - he clearly left his mark at QO even though he was only there a short time.  Barbara Katz

10/12/21 09:59 PM #87    


William Rozier

Hi all from the Midlands of South Carolina where summer seems to flow right into a mild winter. I have been here thirty four years and maybe twice a snow has lasted long enough for a pine straw and slush "snowman" to last more than one day! Oh well, it has still been better than my 18 months south of Miami - things were excessively nice there and one tended to loose track of the passage of time.

As for the Reunion, one tends to get out of them what one is willing to put into them. The Ten Year Reunion was special to me because so many people who were not close high school friends pitched in to plan it and pull it off. It took two years, but since it was the first (and not just our first, but the first for the school) we had little information about the locations and doings of our far flung class.

I have only been able to attend one since, but it was top notch. Those who organized it put in a lot of work to provide a great opportunity for those who came to learn about the different paths others had trod and what things they had seen and done on their journeys.

A message to Curt...I tend to look ahead. Whereever I am I will cultivate professional relationships, but rarely any social friendships. I will help anyone with worthy projects, but I do not attend parties. I have known lots of people but have not corresponded nor called any of them on a regular basis. 

You may recall that the 1970 Yearbook arrived late. I do not have a single signature or comment in mine, not even from Keith Northup with whom I spent a lot of time since he lived down the street from me...

I am bringing it. I hope many will write a note. Nothing about me. I am hoping they will share a few words about a part of their lives that they treasure most. That would make the yearbook something special. If you come, I hope you will honor me with a description of a memory from any part of your life that you treasure and are willing to share.

Bill Rozier

10/14/21 10:58 AM #88    

William Chambers

Hi All,

Sorry to say I have to bail.  I was signed up, hotel reservations--the whole nine yards.  
Just contracted a virus (though tested negative for COVID) that makes travel very difficult and I might be contagious.

Haven't been to a reunion since the 20th.  
Was REALLY looking forward to seeing old friends, aquaintances, and, heck, just people that have the shared experience of being a Churchill bulldog!

So, if you are ever in the area of Wilmington, NC, look me up and you'll be shown southern hospitality with shrimp gumbo and a cold one!  Seriously!

So in the words of our alma mater's namesake, Sir Winston,  “Never, never, never give up,”.

God bless y'all!

10/18/21 10:34 AM #89    


Carole Moe (Drake)

To John Viqueira and the Reunion Committee - Just wanted to let you know how much all of your time and efforts were appreciated.  I know there are many moving parts in putting an event like this together.  From where I stood, it went flawlessly.    Normandie Farm was the perfect venue and the food was great.  Even the weather complied!  Needless to say, it was nice going back in time.  Well done and thank you.  

10/18/21 02:02 PM #90    


William Rozier

Update on my yearbook!

It now is the proud receipient of 40 miscellaneous penned entries! From a mere name correction to a couple of short stories. Wow! You exceeded my expectations and I know there would have been more had I interrupted a few more conversations at the Gala; intercepted more of you at the hotel or at the football game; or attended the two Sunday events.

It is my hope that images of these pages will make it to this site. From those I missed and from those who missed the reunion, I have this request - Share a brief description of an aspect of your life since leaving WCHS that you would like others to read.

It is truly fascinating how diverse our lives have been. I am humbled by the august company of movers, shakers, thinkers, and makers that is the Winston Churchill High School Class of 1970!

Bill (but you, my classmates may still call me Buzzy or Buzz) Rozier

10/24/21 11:15 AM #91    


Katherine Price

To all of you wonderful and dear reunion committee members, I say WOW and thank you!  What a superb weekend you put together for all of us.  Although I only attended the Saturday night dinner, I know the rest was great.                                                      

I loved reuniting with so many beloved friends from our earlier years.  I was grateful for the name tags with our senior pictures.  I am sorry I missed seeing many people who were there and I simply missed.  I am happy for such great pictures!

It was a beautiful time- “A Night to Remember”.  And one I will not forget.

Kathi Price


10/29/21 09:19 AM #92    

Virginia Moser (Morse)

This came in from Google Alerts:

Winston Churchill, Potomac
As-it-happens update  October 29, 2021
Randy Stradling, avid cinephile | Cape Gazette
He graduated in 1970 from Winston Churchill High School in Potomac, Md. Randy retired to Selbyville in 2007, having been employed by the U.S. Navy ...



10/30/21 09:14 AM #93    

Mary La Spada

I remember Randy from the WCHS Party Circuit. What a wonderful life. Rest In Peace.

10/31/21 10:39 AM #94    


David Hintz

I remember some good times with Randy in high school and beyond. May he rest in peace

10/31/21 07:32 PM #95    


Barbara (Bobbi) Breidenbach (Kimball)

A big belated thank you to John and the entire WCHS 50-51st reunion committee for all of your efforts!  It was a joy to see old friends in person and the event, the location and all the details were awesome.  So, to each of you that invested many hours creating a safe space for us to re-connect, I thank you!  

Happy Holidays everyone, take good care, Bobbi (Breidenbach) Kimball

11/03/21 01:17 PM #96    


Liz Bagnall (Scarito)

To everyone who worked so hard to make our 50th Reunion (one year late) a success, THANK YOU!!  I was thrilled to reconnect with lost friends and to speak with classmates who I probably never spoke with when we were in HS.  What a great class we turned out to be!!  The food was great, the venue was great.  Thank you, thank you.

Liz (Bagnall) Scarito


11/05/21 05:37 PM #97    

John Viqueira

Thank You for all the kind words to the Reunion committee. I am sure all the members would agree that it was a labor of Love!!! It was great seeing everyone again and all the venue's did a great job. Special thanks to the Normandy Farms people for an outstanding night.

Hope to see everyone again at the 55th or 60th or whatever makes sense. 

Live long and prosper as some great person said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/15/21 08:33 PM #98    


Deborah Krausse


Hey John -- let me also add my appreciation to the Reunion Committee for bringing us together with lots of fun actiivities to engage.  Reunion night on 10/16/2021 at Normandy Farms was extra special for me . . . it was my 69th birthday!  What could be more fun than turning 69 years old with other 69 years old classmates!  Plus my parents took me to Normandy Farms for lunch after high school graduation June 1970 along with other family members.  Two days after graduation, Teddy Petche and I left for Ocean City, MD to work as waitresses at the Beach Plaza Hotel, owned by the Phillips Crab House family.  I now live in Richmond, VA where I attended graduate school (University of Richmond - MBA) and undergraduate school (VCU - Marketing).  I would be delighted to be on the planning committee for our next reunion.  For those who want to get in touch with me, please send me a LinkedIn invitation, or email me at     Thanks.     

~  Deborah Krausse'

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