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•   Kyrie Mitz  9/26
•   Kate Pentino  9/25
•   Leesha Lentz  10/26
•   Kevin Moser  6/12
•   Terrence Baxter  6/6
•   Elizabeth Remelius  1/4
•   Matthew Michniewicz  9/20
•   Nwaeze Onyemaobim  6/29
•   Athena Grace  6/28
•   William Bunt  6/14
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in New Jersey
140 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in Prince Edward Island
1 lives in Germany


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Listen everyone, for the few who still visit this site I am announcing our five year reunion!

- I have not decided the date yet but it will be held on a weekend either this summer or around Thanksgiving.

- I will be creating a facebook group to notify everyone with the arrangements, if anyone has any ideas or a lot of land where it could be held, and you wanted to host, please contact me 


- My email is , Thanks for your time,


- Sincerely, Mykael Lawrence

Our 5 year reunion will be at the brick house in Pottstown. This Friday night starting at 9pm, I have created a Facebook group with all the details. If you have any questions email me at

February 1st, 2010

Hello all, hope your January went well. Ive noticed that a lot of you have updated your profiles and i appreciate it! Keep on keeping on and dont be afraid to email me at all.


January 7th, 2010

Happy New Year to everyone!

Sorry I havnt been keeping up with this website for the people that use it.  I hope everyones plans for college, work, and other activities are going well and as planned. To this date we are still years away from our 5 year reunion and you will all be reminded when the time comes around. 

Recently a fellow class mate has just lost her mother, if you did not know. We all wish for her and her family the best in these hard times, and i know I will be praying for them. RIP

If anyone has any questions about school events in the future for our class or anything at all dont hesitate to email me and please make sure your email addresses are up to date on this website. My email address is below, Thank you.

Mykael Lawrence-

Welcome to the Pottsgrove Shs High Class Of 2008 web site.

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