Susan Sower Christensen

Profile Updated: August 28, 2010
Residing In: Anaheim, CA
Spouse/Partner: Dan
Present Occupation: Director of Nursing
Children and Grandchildren: Charlie the Dog
Yes! Attending Reunion
What have you been doing the last 30 years, in 5-10 lines or less:

Moved to Oregon to attend Oregon State Univ., fell in love with Oregon and a guy and stayed. This summer we are moving to Palm Desert, CA. Haven't been back to Price since my Mom passed away four years ago.

What is your best most vivid memory of High School?

Field trip up to Scofield, gymnastics and swim team, lifeguarding in the summer with no sunscreen!

Who was your favorite Teacher and why?

Mr Gailbraith

What song or songs make you think of the good old days?

Pete Seegar, The Eagles, Billy Joel

What are your future plans?

A new adventure living in Palm Desert. Traveling the world.
