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•   Douglas Swindler  5/10
•   Sara Sansom (Bateman)  8/25
•   Jennie Coles (Bateman)  8/12
•   Chrissy Broomhead (Swindler)  4/2
•   Mary Swindler  2/26
•   Lynette Pearson (Bateman)  2/25
•   Ali Pitts  12/23
•   Michael John Bateman (Michael Bateman)  11/24
•   Sarah Collins  11/13
•   Benjamin Bateman  11/10
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1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in Pennsylvania
4 live in Tennessee
34 live in Utah
1 lives in Brazil
8 location unknown

Welcome to the Bateman Family Website


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Thomas is getting Baptized Saturday August 02 at 11:00 or 11:30 (they are getting back to me). It is at the church building just North of the Timpanogos Temple. We will have lunch after at our home. He would love to have all of you there if you can make it. We will let you know of exact times as soon as we know. Thanks, love you all