Looking Back

No Barriers Among Us

What have you done with your life after highschool? What a question!!! At first I coudn't find an answer... I have to flash back some memories. I got mixed emotions as I try to answer this question. What fascinates me about reunions are the different feelings or attitudes our clasmates have during this affair.

We are all excited to come and share with the celebration, but others are quite hesitant to attend for reason of their still having the same mind as if we were still in highschool. The thought of meeting once again those who were bright and popular in the old days made them feel inferior. Their past clash with the present and it becomes a hindrance for them to mingle with others and just have fun again.

All of us must learn from the experience we had that was behind in molding our identity and how the need for our sense of continuity in life remain strong despite the ups and down of what we've been through in our lives. We've all had our share.

Reunions may last for 4 to 5 hours and tightly programmed but they can have lasting emotional impact for us. For all participants, it becomes a social mirror reflecting our struggle to maintain our  sense of personal activity and continue on to a fruitful life.

Brothers and sisters we are all equal in God's sight, we may have different personality though but love will keep us together.