In Memory

Gordon Freeman

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07/31/08 04:29 PM #1    

Russell M. Spry

I remember when Gordon died in that crash. He and I had attended the same church and I knew his parents and brother. It was a stark reality check that we were in the real world now and that high school was over. The invincibility of youth was gone.

Gordon loved to sing and music was something he lived for. He was missed then and is missed now.

Wish you could be here.

08/27/08 04:49 PM #2    

Katherine L. Jones

Gordon was my best friend. We met in kindergarten and were thick as thieves from then on. He always did have that thick head of dark hair and same classic Gordon laugh. We both sang together while at Broughton - what a warm voice he had. We remained close after high school and would see each other on our weekend's home. Our last visit together was the weekend before he died. I am thankful for that weekend - ending our day with "I love you" and hugs. I consider him my oldest and dearest friend. We sure do have a lot to catch up on! Love you Gordo. Kj

09/23/08 01:35 PM #3    

Jason F. Morgan

I had moved away to IL and was feeling a bit dosconnected from my NC roots, when I got the news. I don't even remember who told me - just that is was a shock that made me reel. We sang so much together and he had a beautiful voice - he will always be the first tenor in the quartet of The Music Man in my memories.

10/10/08 11:33 AM #4    

Joel Kilgore

I had known Gordon off and on since we were in grade school. I envied his even temperament and ability to get along with anyone. His love for music was evident and his dedication to it was even more so. What an amazing voice.

I have driven past his parents home for years, and the loss is still palatable.

Twenty years later, you are still amazing Gordon.

10/20/08 11:23 AM #5    

Brig Harris

Like Joel...I often drive by Gordon's parents house and remember a good childhood friend. Gordon and I went to a lock in at his church when we were in our early teens and remembered we made a "pack" to stay awake all night. I think we ended up falling asleep first...

To a great guy with an awesome voice!

Happy Sailing...

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