In Memory

Tracey Jones

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01/10/11 06:52 PM #1    

Kerry A. Stitzinger

As I listen to the connells, it is time for me to post how sad I am to lose Tracey. She was by far my best friend in highschool, along with Joanna cochran-manning. We would drive to random highschools after hours and see the connells. They to me then and now are the best band ever. I never understood how they never made it big.

I met Tracey in 9th grade in english class 1st day and we hung out everyday after that. We went to her beach house almost every weekend. She always stocked her house with the food I liked so I would always be happy there. She by far was the most important person to me at Broughton. She was my biggest supporter and I really miss her.

She went to UC in sc and I visited her there and had so much fun. She showed me all the sights of UC. She gave me an education that I never would have gotten without her.  I think on some days how easy it would be to talk to her about how I am feeling if only she was still here. Why would God take her so early? She was the easiest, most out going person I have ever known. I wish to this day that I had her to talk to.

I want all to know that if you had the pleasure of knowing her, you were blessed. And to know her like I did, cursed. Because in life you are given a few chances of making best friends and to have them taken from you so early, how do you enjoy life without them?


Kerry stitzinger class of 88

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