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•   Cheri Lee (Braithwaite)  6/10
•   Lisa Reid (Miller)  9/25
•   Adam Sean Cohen  5/2
•   Kendra Hall (Jones)  1/20
•   Tracy Tober (Bennett)  1/7
•   Kimberly Levin (Fox)  6/7
•   Lisa Blank (Riccardelli)  6/7
•   Ricky Wetzel  4/13
•   Matt Keiser (Keiser)  4/8
•   Stacie Rice  4/13
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•   Jason Bach  9/20
•   Brian Mitchell  9/22
•   Scott Creutzer  9/23
•   Kathy Kohlhepp  9/23
•   Kevin Rothstein  9/23
•   Christina Volkman (Barrett)  9/23
•   Dawn McFarland  9/24
•   Tesah Spriggs  9/24
•   Brandon Berkenfeld  9/27
•   Wendy Handler (Weissman)  9/27
•   Laurie Fox (Schimmel)  9/30
•   Robin Pearson (Gwin)  10/2
•   Stacie Rice  10/2
•   Reginald Crippen  10/6
•   Johnathan Coates  10/8
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 52.2%

A:   202   Joined
B:   185   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Randallstown High School
Class Of 1989


Welcome to the Randallstown High School Class Of 1989 web site. This site was created specifially for the Class of 89's 20-year high school reunion. The reunion committee has selected a date for the reunion, so mark your calendars - Saturday, November 28, 2009.

The reunion committee has put a lot of time and effort into preparing this highly anticipated event, and we're really looking forward to a wonderful evening of reuniting with friends.

It's not too late to come to the reunion! We are no longer accepting your mailed checks, so pay cash or check at the door or via PayPal. We would love to see you there!

HOTEL INFO: If you wish to make a hotel reservation for the night of the reunion, the Hunt Valley Marriott has extended us a courtesy room rate of $99 for single or double occupancy. Please call 1-800-228-9290 by Saturday, November 14, 2009, and mention the "Randallstown High School 20th Reunion" to get this rate. Reservations must be cancelled 3 days prior to arrival or you will be charged a fee.

42 Reasons to Attend Your 20 Year Reunion:

1. The Class of 1989 still rules!

2. Because you’re never too cool for your high school friends (uh…we know how cool you’re not).

3. Your kids are tired of hearing your old stories and you want to relive them with someone who actually cares.

4. Because you promised to K.I.T.

5. Ummm…who else is gonna fill in the blanks to your slipping memory?

6. If we get a good turnout, we’re gonna take a group picture in the form of an “89”

7. You can legally drink alcohol with your high school friends.

8. Because you still have a crush on...

9. If you don’t show up, we’ll assume you still have a mullet.

10. You know you want to.

11. Hey…what’s 15 extra pounds between old friends?

12. Network!

13. The 80’s are back!

14. You just got approved for Extreme Makeover and can’t wait to show off your new body parts.

15. Because you’re still pissed that you were voted runner-up for a senior superlative.

16. Because nobody else really understands you.

17. Because we’re ALL pushing 40.

18. You’ve always wondered what happened to…

19. Show off your hot spouse.

20. Renew old friendships.

21. Because you were too drunk to remember the prom.

22. You’re addicted to VH1’s I Love the 80’s. Oh yeah.

23. Because you still have RHS pride.

24. Get the latest gossip.

25. Because if you don’t show up, you’ll be the subject of the gossip.

26. To rub your success in our faces.

27. See and be seen.

28. Because you love talking about yourself.

29. It’s a great reason to go on a diet.

30. Because all the former nerds are now a great catch.

31. See if that old “crush” is still available.

32. Because you’re nosy and you HAVE to know what everyone’s been doing for the last 20 years.

33. Did we mention there would be booze?

34. You love reunions!

35. You have nothing better to do.

36. Because everyone tells you that you still look the same.

37. To talk about the good ol’ days

38. You’re in your late 30s and you’re at peace with yourself.

39. We’re going to play music that you understand.

40. Because you wish you knew then what you know now.

41. We’re all “Old Skool”

42. Because we really want to see you. 







It's not too late to come to the reunion! We are no longer accepting your mailed checks, so pay cash or check at the door or via PayPal. We would love to see you there!

Do you have any pictures from the 10-year reunion that you want to share? How about a recent picture of yourself?  Please send them in to me to be posted on the pictures page.


Aris Marantan