Reunion Activities Survey

     The committee would like your input on some ideas for activities surrounding the reunion. We'd just like to know if you would be interested in these get-togethers or if you might be willing to participate or be available to help. Your answers are not a commitment.  We are strictly in the thinking stage and we hope to organize some fun, relaxed social time. Your answers are not visible to other classmates. 

Some of these ideas came from the 50-Year reunions of other RBUHS classes who seemed to really enjoy them. We also would welcome any terrific ideas you might have. 


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1)   The high school offers a walking/riding tour of the campus. There have been many changes since we were there. Would you be interested in that? It would be on Friday.

Yes No
2)   Also on Friday the school offers VIP group seating in the gym for the Pep Rally. Would you be interested? Bring your ear plugs!

Yes No
3)   There is a Homecoming Parade Friday afternoon after school. Would you be interested in riding on a "Golden Grad" float? We would use a lo-boy.

Yes No
4)   If you don't want to ride on the float, would you like to watch the parade with other classmates as a group in front of TIPS?

Yes No
5)   Friday evening, from 5:00 to 7:00, before the game, would you like to come to a "no-host" mingle? We haven't selected a place yet. In 2009 we held it at E's Locker Room with pizza, beer & wine available. You could stay as long as you wish. You can leave, go to the game, come back. Totally up to you.

Yes No
6)   At the Homecoming game we are invited to sit together as a group in the "Golden Grad" section of the bleachers. Half-time will include the crowning of the Homecoming Queen and it is my understanding that some of our queen candidates from 1969 will be in attendance and possibly be included in part of the ceremony. Would you like to attend?

Yes No
7)   On Saturday morning we'd like to organize a golf tournament at Wilcox Oaks Golf Course. Would you like to play? You don't need experience. It's just for fun.

Yes No
8)   Another activity for Saturday morning would be a nostalgic "selfie" hunt. Classmates can play alone but a team is better & a lot more fun. You're given a list of clues about locations around town as they were in 1969. You have to figure out each clue, drive to the location, and take a selfie or group photo in front of the place as it is now. Would you like to do that?

Yes No
9)   Saturday evening will be the dinner where we will all gather to reconnect. Nothing fancy, just time together. We have reserved the dining room at Wilcox. There is a no-host bar available. The menu and cost is yet to be decided. We are making every effort to keep the cost down. Are you planning to attend?

Yes No
10)   Sunday morning, before the out-of-towners leave to head home, we thought a "no-host" brunch would be nice. Something casual, time to reflect and say our "good byes". We have not chosen a restaurant yet but we have some ideas. We'll get something with a large dining room. Would you like to join us?

Yes No
11)   And now for the volunteer question! Would you be available to help before and/or during the reunion; decorating, set-up, clean-up, things like that?

Yes No