Meet and Greet 10/10/14

What a great turnout we had.  Just about 140 people managed to squeeze into that room.  A great time was had by all.  The place was hopping with happy faces.  I do not believe I ever saw so much love in one place.  It sure made the reunion committee feel proud of their accomplishment.  These are just a few of the pictures "I" took.  Please note that I am not a photographer and did my best.  There were many more pictures taken and will be put up.  There will be video and more pictures on Saturday night.  It was so good seeing all my classmates and in some cases talking with them for the "first time" in 50 years.  Thanks for the memories Class of 1964.

Welcome Sign

Steve Hamblin, Mike Leeny, Rod Smolin

Gayle Medley and Manley (George) Young

Bill Mullins

Nils Magnesson and Wife, Harry Brehm and Wife RexAnn and Cherie Seeman

Pam Taggert (Center)

Group shot

Group shot


Judy Carruthers, Maggie Meek, Diane Uklejah and Husband

Bill Potter and Susie Kingry Drake


Chris Cardiff Blair, John Blair, Diane Uklejah and Husband

Cherie Seeman and Joyce Harris Caulfield


Group Shot


Wilma Mulkey, Phyllis Lawson, Martha Price.  Friends from elementary school.

Cherrian Felicetta Shelton and Dave Mehl