In Memoriam

Gary McNeese

Deceased December 26, 1970

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02/17/14 10:44 AM #1    

Jim Richmond

Gary died Dec 26,1970. Injuries suffered from a motorcycle accident. My closest friend. Miss ya, buddy. Jim

12/21/14 10:10 AM #2    

David Frazier

I remember Gary very well. We played baseball on the sluggers and his dad was a coach. Gary was great at baseball. Last time I seen Gary was at the old Goodyear store in Richardson. We talked about the war and army life. I was home on leave. I was called and notified of his death from my mom when I was in Kansas City visiting my Uncle. It really shocked me. I had just returned to the states from Vietnam that year. My partner was also a good friend his and seen him when he was home on leave. We were both shocked of Gary's early departure. Super guy. 

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