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06/02/19 07:24 PM #486    

Patti Jackson (Weeks)

Thank you, everyone, for creating a wonderful memory! Special people from a special time & place!

I love you guys!

06/04/19 03:00 PM #487    

Donna Samples (Pintsak)

I have just seen the pictures from the reunion and it looks like everyone had a fabulous time!  So good to still recognize so many people even if some of the names elude me.wink

To Scott and Linda,  sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.  My mom continues immunotherapy for cancer discovered last year.  She is doing very well and we are grateful for and amazed by the advances in and successes of today's treatments. My best to you both.

Again I'd like to thank everyone who worked so hard to keep the  spirit of thye Class of 69 going.  God bless you all!


06/05/19 10:31 AM #488    

Stephen Donahue


Thanks to you and the entire reunion committee for your hard work. The reunion was so much fun!! It was great to see everyone and because of Don Juan (Don Titcomb and Juan Cunningham) Victoria is making me take dance lessons!! Thanks guys!!

06/05/19 01:22 PM #489    

Kenneth Ackerman

I know we don't plan on another reunion, but how about a reunion cruise in a couple years. Mid March 2021 most of us will be turning 70. End of winter season probably have some good deals. If we can get 25 couples to commit I'll bet even better deals.
Best wishes to Donna Pintsak from Ken and Joyce Ackerman.

06/05/19 02:25 PM #490    


Dan Staples

Speaking for those of us who could not get to the reunion, I think this is a GREAT idea Ken. I’ll keep that timeframe open if enough of us can make it.

06/05/19 09:03 PM #491    

Kenny Benoit

To Donna and the entire reunion committee,

Thank you so much for your untiring efforts to make this very special reunion a great success.

I've known alot of you for at least 50 years through attending Riviera Beach Elementary, Howell Watkins Jr. High and my freshman year at RBHS.   I was "ushered" off to Cardinal Newman after my freshman year, much to my chagrin.   Although I attended another high school, my heart and soul were always with my friends and RBHS.    I feel very honored to have been included as a classmate of yours.

I was also honored to be a part of the entertainment on Saturday night and hope that we contributed to the overall success, as well.

It was great to see as many of you as I could to spend some time to catch up.   

For those of you who have spouses, significant others, yourselves, and/or family members who are facing health issues, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

I sent an email to Danny Stiles a few days ago and he suggested that I share with you all something I wrote in my email:

"What a great bunch of people we have as classmates, and more importantly, wonderful friends.  As we travel this path of life, we start out as kids, make lots of friends, graduate with these friends, then, we

each go our own way to experience this life.  We get married, have children and raise them to the best of

our abilities.   Then, they go off to start their own lives, just like we did years before.   They now have families of their own.  And, they do visit from time to time.

But, what remains are the friendships we've cultivated and nutured along our life path.   And those friends are still with us, and for that, we ALL are so very blessed..

Especially, this special bunch of friends of the RBHS Class of '69!"

06/06/19 03:07 PM #492    

Michael Engel

Thank You Kenny for the great letter. Sorry I missed the reunion, I just moved to Tennessee and we are still unpacking. I will be in town in August and get in touch with you. There were a lot of friends I wanted to connect with and misse out, byt another time.

Thank You,

Michael Engel 


06/06/19 05:58 PM #493    

William Sacco

Thanks Kenny for putting into words what I and many of us felt about the reunion.  The class spirit was  positively special.  We grew up with a great bunch of people. My wife Eileen, who had never met anyone before, came away from the reunion wowed by how friendly, interesting, and fun the class of 69 is.  I too want to thank Donna and the reunion committee for all of their work and planning, and also Kenny and band for making great music. You guys did a great job!   



06/06/19 09:55 PM #494    

Hunter Joslin

Thanks so very much to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make the Class of 69' 50th Reunion such a fun event! It was a great weekend catching up with everyone.

06/09/19 10:52 AM #495    

Donna Day (Bailey)

Having trouble getting photos posted. Sorry. I know the group shot is blurry. Laurie has the original photo- if any genius can figure out how to get it better -have at it.  There is a reunion photo link on left that you can download photos. 

10/12/19 09:04 PM #496    

Daniel Jeffs

Just a BIG HELLO to all.


10/13/19 03:27 PM #497    

Ann Woodward (Statler)

Hi Guys!  Just looked at the pictures and I can tell we are all very well fed. Those random shots sure did have some scary expressions.  It would have been nice if one of my "friends" would have editied out the ugly pictures, but I sure did have a great time and hopefully we will see eachother again.  Love you guys!

12/09/19 01:22 PM #498    

Patti Jackson (Weeks)

Hi, everyone! It has taken a while, but guess what? We’re in New Zealand! Sold the house. Consolidated everything. Turned keys over on Thurs. Flew to NZ on Fri. We are here! Finding a house is next. Then, welcome to all! 


03/22/20 12:12 PM #499    

Sue (Suzi) Willits (Zwolenski)

To all our special Class of '69 folks...

Do take extra care during this time of uncertainty. Keeping you and your families in our prayers as we  'hunker down' close to home!

Be well!


03/31/20 11:23 AM #500    

Stephen Donahue

Suzi, Thanks for your kind thoughts and words! To you, your family and our entire RBHS class! Be safe and kind!!

Best to All!! 
Steve and Victoria Donahue 




11/05/20 02:17 PM #501    


Paul Cronin

As many of you already know, Linda Studer passed away yesterday, November 4th, following a 6 year battle with ovarian cancer.  Please keep Scott and his family in your thoughts and prayers in the weeks and months to come.  Here is the information for her memorial service on Sunday, November 8th:

Palm Beach Lakes Church of Christ, 4067 Leo Lane, Riviera Beach, FL  33410

Viewing is from 2:00 - 3:00 PM with memorial service immediately following at 3:00 PM.

Should you wish to send Scott a condolence card, his address is:

Scott Studer, 916 Lighthouse Dr., North Palm Beach, FL  33408

Thank you.

Paul C. Cronin


03/12/24 01:52 PM #502    

Donna Day (Bailey)


Let me be the first to get this forum started... Welcome back !  let us know what has been going on with you.  With me my old man has a new meaning... seriously he is old (90) and he is my priority... so I have had limited time lately.. It's payback time for the easy breezy life I have had.

Hope to make the gathering in April.. 

Feel free to update your profiles.. It will be of interest to all who knew you when to know what you have enjoyed over your many, many years.. No need to brag.. no one really cares at this point... just overall highlights and interests I think would be fun to share. 

03/23/24 11:26 AM #503    

Bill Winkle

Hi Donna et al 

This is me ( i believe my name accompanys my post)  Just checking in to let you know I'm still alive and kickin'.  For those who didn"t se me limping around at the last reunion I finally managed to get racked up on my motorcycle followed by a truck t-boning my new car.  Lots of metal parts but still mobile.  Now I carry a martial arts cane,  The only weapon allowed on aircraft.

Anyway when I retired from field service as a biomedical engineer I came back to run my dad's ranches.  We had three and about 1000 head of brood cows.  Dad passed and my brother and sisters wanted to sell so here I sit on my litte 10A with a few heifers in Williston, FL 15 mi from G'ville.  Really nice place and I can still look at my neighbor's cows.  I have a little shop where I do carpentry, fix chainsaws and lawnmowers and build bird houses.

I have four gradchildren.  The youngest shares my name as that has been a family tradition.  I am named for my grandfather.

I don't get out much any more but if you get a chance to drop by let me know and I'll throw on another steak.

Hope you all are well and happy,


03/24/24 02:26 PM #504    

Donna Day (Bailey)

Bill - so nice to hear from you.. Everyone seems busy and maybe sharing a few minutes with past friends is overwhelming.-especially if they think no one cares. I loved hearing about your life and could picture it in my head.. or was it a Norman Rockwell painting? Thanks for sharing. 

03/25/24 11:35 AM #505    

Hunter Joslin

Hey Bill!!! Great to hear you are still alive and Kickin"!!! I was just wondering if the mushrooms are still growing in your cow feilds?? We used to harvest grocery bags full back in 1970!! Hahahahaha!!

03/26/24 07:58 AM #506    

Bill Winkle

Yes Hunter there are still magic 'shrums.  I looked out one morning while sipping a cup of coffee and saw some kids picking mushrooms.  They saw me and took off running.  Most climbed over the fence but one decided to dive head first over the fence.  It looked like a very rough landing.  I hoped they weren't hurt.  I'm really not sure how to identify them except they grow in cow manure.  I assume eating the wrong ones would not end well.  Take care old friend.  Good to hear from you.

03/26/24 01:34 PM #507    

Michael Engel

I am glad to see this site come back. I usually don't miss a chance to party with my friends , but moving was a little hard on me after living there 62 years. I am still trying to get use to this cold weather here in Tennessee. Glad to Bill Winkle on and who could forget Hunter. I will try to make it down in april.

03/27/24 11:55 AM #508    

Hunter Joslin

Good to know there is still a steady supply of Magic Mushrooms!!! To tell the good ones you pinch the stem and it will turn purple. They grow just after a rain storm. I might have to come up and visit you!!! Hahahahaha! Microdosing is the knew trend. Cheers!

03/29/24 09:44 PM #509    

Steve McLaughlin

Hello all...I have learned in the last few days through conversations with long lost friends that John Knippel passed away recently and that Patti Jackson passed in 2021. The information on Patti came from her sister, Cheryl. The information on John came from a relative of John through marriage. It's always sad to learn this information, but in case anyone was wondering about these particular classmates, now we know. 
i'llbe missing this year's gathering at Chez Rimmie, but hope to see you at the next one. Take care and enjoy the time with the best class RBHS ever produced.

04/03/24 04:57 PM #510    

Donna Samples (Pintsak)

Well Hey Ya'II!
Good to seee people posting on this message forum again.  I always enjoy hearing about our "old" classmates and how they are.  Like Donna Day Bailey I have an older husband.  Jim is 83 and has had some health problems that have kept us close to home the last couple of years.  Hopefully things are improving although I am unable to attend this April's reunion.  I did just recently take my first plane trip since late 2021.  I flew to Phoenix to meet my son, daughter in law and grandkids for Spring Break.  They live in CO and were ready to get out of winter for a week..  We rented a home in Scottsdale and had a fabulous time!!  I am hoping a trip to FL might be in my future soon, just don't know when.  I promised Donna Bailey that if we have that 55 year reunion and I am able I will come down and help her.
I hope you all have a wonderful time at the reunion!!  I will miss seeing everyone!!

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