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Will you be coming to The Corner Bar on 11/26/10?

  No, I'm busy.
  I'll try to make it later in the night.


•   Benjamin Turbow  9/2
•   Adam Brandt  8/31
•   Robert Staicut  1/30
•   Liz Shaffer (Schroeck)  5/16
•   Savo Petrovski  3/23
•   Melanie Markowicz  12/22
•   Bryan Van Curen  3/14
•   Janene Legree  9/17
•   Seyed Amir Alavi  9/5
•   Erin Rizzo (Mich)  8/31
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

4 live in Arizona
6 live in California
3 live in Colorado
2 live in District Of Columbia
9 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
10 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
107 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Pennsylvania
3 live in South Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
5 live in Virginia
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Cayman Islands
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Spain
266 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Rochester High School
Class Of 1999

The Corner Bar

100 Townsend St
Birmingham, MI
Friday, November 26 at 7:00pm - November 27 at 2:00am

Although last year was our 10 year anniversary, I figured we should give it one more try and see if we could all get together this year. The event is the Friday after Thanksgiving and will be held at the Corner Bar from 7:00pm - 2:00am. There will be NO COVER, but food and drink will be at your own expense. The kitchen will be open until midnight and there will be food and drink specials until 10:00pm. Hope you all can make it. Contact me with questions.

I know I have missed many people on the invite list, so please feel free to invite more people.

Surab Deb


July 26,2009

Reunion Canceled!

***All payments made through PayPal have been refunded as of 7/26/09


I'm very sorry to report that there was not enough interest in this summer's high school reunion to make it a go.  The website has over 160 registered members, however only 25 classmates could make the commitment to come next Saturday.  Therefore, we have canceled the reunion.  I wish it could have worked out, but maybe another place and time.

To those who purchased tickets, I'll be sending  you a refund in the mail.  Expect that sometime next week.

Finally, I recieved several emails recently stating that Thanksgiving is a better time for out-of-towners.  If anyone is willing to take on the planning of another reunion, please let me know.  The website is a good way to keep in touch, and will continue to stay up.

Good luck to everyone!

Take care,

Liz (Shaffer) Schroeck



July 15,2009- Purchase your tickets ASAP!  Otherwise, the reunion will be cancelled due to lack of interest.  Purchase by 3pm on Thursday, July 16th to keep the reunion going as planned!


This is your invitation!

Please view the invitation on the "10 Year Reunion" page.  Due to a small budget ($0), we will not be sending out paper invitations via the mail.  Instead, please spread the word about the reunion through e-mail and phone calls.  Only 25% of the class has joined the site so far!  Let your friends know about the website asap.  We don't want anyone to be out of the loop.

Pay for your tickets online today!

The paypal account for the reunion is up and running.  You can pay for single or couple's tickets right here on the website and not have to rummage around for a stamp!  Find the paypal option at the bottom of the "10 Year Reunion" page.  Follow through the three steps and you done!

Rochester High School Class Of 1999 

I am very excited to welcome you to the site!  The purpose is to reconnect with old classmates as our 10 year reunion nears.  To that end, you'll find using this site is quick and fun.  Think of it as a shorter, easier, more secure version of Facebook or Myspace. 

Please find your name under classmate profiles and create a free account.  Once your account is created, I'll be able to email everyone who has signed in with updates about the reunion. 

You can also upload pictures of your favorite high school memories, or of your current fabulous life.  Gotten married?  Moved to China?  Had a baby?  Everyone would love to see!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email or

Liz (Shaffer) Schroeck