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In Memory

Louis Vernille Bean

Louis Vernille Bean
RHHS:  Band Director for one year (1969 - 1970)

Born:  5/14/1924
            Lenoir, NC
Died:  3/3/1981
            Kannapolis, Cabarrus, NC
            Carolina Crematory - Concord, NC
His wife, Madge Bean died 5/13/2014 (was teacher at RHHS, also, for one year).

Extract from

In 1979, Louis Bean began experiencing dizziness on the field which prompted him to seek medical attention. Sadly near the end of the marching season in 1979 Mr Bean was diagnosed with a progressive Lung Cancer most likely attributed to his love of filterless Camels. "Papa Lou" would step down at the conclusion of the marching season and the hunt for his successor began. In the year that followed in 1980, Mr Bean received extensive treatments at Bowman Gray Hospital in Winston Salem, but it was not enough to hold the cancer at bay for long. "Papa Lou's" condition deteriorated near the end of 1980 and on Tuesday March 4, 1981 he died.

