Where will you be staying?

  I live local.
  With friends or relatives.
  In a hotel of my choosing.
  I'd like a hotel with a block of rooms for classmates to be together.


No registered users are online right now.


Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.

It turns out we are not using
this website officially but I am leaving it up
as a pointer to our registration website.

To register for our class go to the
    Class Website

     at:   http://classreport.org/usa/ct/vernon/rhs/1969/   
      It is our 'official' class database and how we keep in contact.

     You can also get there by going to: database.rhs69.us 

      You may need to register but it will not cost anything.
      If you are registered and cannot remember your password,
      Contact the database admin.  You can use the contact us page.

Please Do Not Pay
to sign up on Any website.
We only use websites and features that can be accessed for free.

Note:  ALL communications are now done using only email !

You Must register at the database listed above
in order to receive notices.



Welcome to the

Rockville High School
Class of 1969
Reunion Website!


 The 50th reunion of RHS 1969 
 September 27th, 28th, & 29th

We are planning a spectacular event
and we hope that you will join us!


Bookmark this website and return often.
Check the announcements and find out what’s new.
See what is being planned for our 50th reunion.
Stay connected.

Check the "Please Do First" page.
Make sure your contact information is up to date.
Update your profile.
Let your friends know what you are up to.

Check the Missing Classmate page.
We have many classmates we cannot locate.
Please help us find all our missing classmates.
For a great reunion everyone needs to be invited.

Help us make sure everyone receives an invitation.

Spread the word.
Email and call your friends.

Post on your social networks.
Advertise the class sactioned website.

Have an idea for the reunion?
Have an idea for the website?
Let us know.

Your classmates
are waiting to hear from you!

See you next September!

Note:  50th Reunion information
will be sent out using only email !

Yes, I know the ads are a bit annoying.
I will remove the ads when the site goes goes live.
I just don't want to pay for the whole year.