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Missing Classmates

Please help us contact people who are missing from the site.  If you know someone who has not created a profile (see the list below) please send them the link to the website and/or you can email them this message below. Just copy and paste it.  

We cannot do this alone, thank you for your help!

If you cannot find them on the list and they should be here please contact us and we will add their name to the list.  Remember, everyone can participate regardless if they graduated or not.




I have noticed that you have not created a profile on the RHS Class of 2000 Reunion Website. We are asking that everyone create a profile even if you are not planning on attending.  This helps us to know that you at least have the information.  Once you create a profile you can get full details about reunion events, purchase your tickets and see who is coming to the reunion as well as contact classmates.  
Please forward this email to anyone from our class who has not been contacted or doesn't know about the website. We cannot do this alone and we need everyone ones help to get the word out.