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04/11/09 08:25 AM #9    

Beth Ann Edgar (Purvis)

Hello '69. It is wonderful this website is available. It has reconnected old friends that have lost touch and brought joy to many. Thanks to Stephanie and Debbie. You both have done a tremendously great job. It is a rarity our class has made contact so well. It is uplifting and I am thankful. Hopefully more will make contact and join in the fun.


04/22/09 09:22 PM #10    

Linda Williams (Stall)

Well, me too. I just found this section of the website and think this is great. Steph does deserve something for all of her hard work. Thanks Steph! Looking forward to the reunion. Guess I should send my payment soon. :) L.

05/12/09 10:32 PM #11    

Karen Kissack (Roberts)

Stephanie -- this website is wonderful. Everytime I log on... I find something new and informative. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. I will be at the 40th class reunion and can't wait to see everyone. Looking forward to a GREAT evening.

05/29/09 05:01 PM #12    


Dennis Major (Major)

Miss Stephanie did an awesome job with this website. I knew she was smart........
I've decide to attend the big 4-0 reunion. I have nothing scheduled for that weekend and have reserved a room at PML for Saturday night.
I probably won't make the mixer, it's difficult to find someone to take care of my horses,dogs,cats and rooster for a whole weekend.
If the gas prices stay below $5/gal, I'll be there!

ps.....Steph, where is the spell check button?

07/16/09 12:40 PM #13    

Linda Schneider (Murray)

Well, this is it, Friday and Saturday is almost here, the 40th!
I hope that if you are in town that you will come and say hi. If you aren't we will miss you. Remember that we can all keep in touch via this great site and/or emails, cells, home phones, letters and cards (with so many ways why haven't we all stayed in touch?)
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves.
If you can't be here this time, please plan to come to the 45th.

Keep it simple and enjoy!

07/16/09 06:07 PM #14    

James Jones

Five years ago I was talking to Roger Raines at a local hamburger joint and he mentioned about an upcoming class reunion being conducted by Stephanie and a website available about it. I checked into this website later and was able to contact Stephanie Clark-Graham, but I was about a week or two late for the reunion. I have deeply regretted missing the last reunion and all the previous ones, but I have found a place to go to enjoy myself every week with Duke's Cabaret. I have seen Stephanie prepare Duke's for the Friday mixer and I certainly plan to attend both events. I hope the classmates do appreciate the trouble that Stephanie and Bob have put into the reunion and how well-treated they can expect to be at Duke's. I keep coming back for more and I certainly look forward to meeting classmates tomorrow and Saturday. See you there!
Jim Jones

07/18/09 07:26 PM #15    

William Riley "Lee" Peach Jr

Hi everyone...Well, I guess you are all at the reunion by now. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for this one, but I hope you all have a great time. I am watching the Cardinals vs Diamondbacks game at Busch since we get the Arizona Fox Sports Net. here in New Mexico. It makes me feel a little closer to home to see the game. Best wishes to you well. "Lee" Peach

07/20/09 08:22 AM #16    


Dennis Major (Major)

It's Monday morning and I'm still recuperating from a great weekend. The mixer was fun, most stayed till last call at 1am! Way past my bedtime.......... The reunion at PM lodge was great too. The food was good, lots of door prizes,good dj and lots of laughs. They ran us out of the hall about 12:30 and we took the party to the outside patio. Lee Metz and John Sullivan had coolers of beer,we enjoyed cigars,cake and old stories.  We all had a good laugh. We finally ran out of steam around 3am! Most everyone staying at the lodge made it for breakfast at 9am. More stories and laughs, it was a great time. Thanks to Stephanie and her committee for all of their hard work and time, making this class reunion a huge success and so enjoyable. It's was great to see old friends and classmates. I'm definitely looking forward to the next reunion.

07/20/09 03:14 PM #17    


Jane Fearno (Biggerstaff)


I was thinking about everyone on Friday and Saturday nights. I'm sure you all had fun at the reunion and mixer. I'm waiting for the pictures to be posted.

Special thanks to Stephanie and her team for putting this together.

Jane Fearno Biggerstaff

07/20/09 07:10 PM #18    

Lee Metz

I just want to say that I had a fantastic time at the reunion. Even though I am not a member of your class (I'm from WR Class of 69), everyone made me feel very welcome and I want you to know that I really appreciate that. Thanks for the good times, laughs and conversation. Looking forward to your next reunion.

Thanks for such a GREAT TIME.

Nancy Ferguson
(Lee Metz)

07/21/09 10:20 AM #19    

Debi Bollman (Studebaker)

Stephanie, Another wonderful job!! The reunion was great. I had so much fun I am still paying for it. lol.
I know I can speak for the rest of the class when I say "THANK YOU". I just hope in 5 Years the rest of the class shows up if they can. I enjoyed seeing so many old friends. I see some of us have not forgotten how to "shake it" on the dance floor. Thanks again.

Debi Studebaker

07/21/09 01:11 PM #20    

Chris Smith (Davis)

WHAT A GREAT WEEK END!!! Thank you and your commitee for all the hard work, time, sweat, tears, energy that was put into making our reunion a success. I'm still waiting for my voice to return...guess I did more talking in 48 hours than I have done in quite a while. ha It was SO good seeing everyone. I'm glad I was able to go Friday night as well, since some of the class was able to make it then and not Sat. My mind is still "re-hashing" all the fun. Sure hope we can all stay in touch and it will take me 5 years to gear up for the next one!!!! Nancy, so glad to meet you and hope your hip improves. Take care everyone!!!!!!!
P.S. This web site is great. I spoke with Linda Williams on Sunday and the new grand baby arrived in the wee hours of Sunday morning. Mom and son are doing well. Congratulations Linda!!

07/21/09 02:33 PM #21    

Christine Ott (Crews-Larsen)

Stephanie and committee,
I echo the thanks of others for your dedication towards putting together a great reunion. I would advise others attending future reunions; attend the Friday night mixer too. I could not make it but those that did had a headstart with Saturday conversations. This was my first reunion and after "easing" in I had a wonderful time. My husband and I had great dinner conversation with Jim Borchers, Bruce Bonczyk and Mark Wegman. Now that I am a "seasoned" reunion attendee I hope to make the 2014 reunion.


07/21/09 02:49 PM #22    

Karen Kissack (Roberts)

What an excellent party weekend! Thanks to Bob, Stephanie, and the entire reunion committee for a job well done. You couldn't of asked for a better time. It was so nice to see classmates and get caught up on the last 40 years. I want to thank all of you for making Mom and Dad feel so welcome. Trust me '69ers.. He really LOVED our class!!!!! Looking forward to the next - just hope at the age of 63 - recovery time is easier. I love the web sight so let's all stay in touch.

07/22/09 12:53 AM #23    

James Jones

I talked David Wilhite into coming and I think he enjoyed the mixer and the reunion more than I (or at least as much). David recognized our classmates somewhat better than I. It was the first reunion attended by either of us. It was so wonderful to see our former schoolmates and share our life experiences (in a noisy environment). I got somewhat carried away and probably drank too much, but no classmate appears to have complained. Probably they were intoxicated too. Class Reunions have a high tolerance for imperfection. I guess there were no gross infractions to exceed the tolerance limit. I intend to be less obtuse the next time around. I somehow missed seeing Bruce Bonzyck. Did anyone notice Larry Smith?
Jim Jones

07/22/09 11:01 AM #24    


Jane Fearno (Biggerstaff)

Does anyone have the email address for David McKee?
I'd like to reach out to him.

The more I read.....the sadder I am that I missied this reunion. It is hard to turn a little boy down when he wants you to go to the beach w him. I'm a sucker.

Karen, tell your parents hello for me. Sorry I missed them.

07/22/09 08:26 PM #25    


Dennis Major (Major)

I had such a great time visting with old classmates and reconnecting with friends,that I can't wait for the next reunion.
Why wait 5 years! In 5 years I could forget who I am!
Those classmates that live in the immediate area could start meeting at different bars or restaurants in the area maybe once every other month.
If you're interested or have any ideas e mail me at

Dennis Major

07/23/09 10:20 PM #26    


Stephanie Clark (Graham)

Plan it -- they will come....

07/23/09 10:31 PM #27    


Stephanie Clark (Graham)

I just wanted to say I'm very happy that you all had such a wonderful time at both the mixer and reunion! That in itself makes it all worth while!

I would also like to thank everyone that helped me -- Getting addresses, numbers, etc. Thank you Brenda Cooper Mueller for washing all of the wine glasses! Thank you Sharon Long Morehead for making the baskets and moral support! Thanks to Debi Bollman Studebaker for getting the DJ! Thanks to all of you that got door prizes. Those of you who helped set up at the reunion, I thank you too! It made it so quick and we all had time to take a breath and get ready for the reunion. Thanks to Randy Roberts for taking all the "mug shots" and other photos. Thanks to my husband Bob for doing a great job as our MC, for helping me call people, and for putting up with my many hours on the computer. Also, thanks to all of you that donated extra dollars to help cover costs for the reunion!!!

I'll work on the slide show of photos this weekend. Please send me any photos you took to add to the show!



07/25/09 08:54 PM #28    


Stephanie Clark (Graham)

Also a special thanks to Debbie Cherry Farnsworth for making our "Memorey" board. Deb, who was your English teacher anyway? (smile....) Love you girlfriend!

07/30/09 11:41 AM #29    

Judy Thompson (Harper)

To all who organized the reunion - thank you. It was wonderful to catch up with so many friends. PML was the perfect environment for the gathering and the weather couldn't have been better. Between the reunion and FB I have been in contact with so many friends in the last couple of weeks. I am looking forward to the next event and hope that more people join in. Thank you again Stephanie and all who helped.

08/02/09 07:22 PM #30    

Linda Williams (Stall)

Hello 69er's! I can't say enough how sad I am that I missed the reunion. But, instead of hoisting a beer and talking, I was in a labor and delivery room with my middle daughter. My fourth grandchild (third grandson) arrived at 4:50 am on Sunday, 7/19/09. This is one of the few things that could have kept me away and well, it did. I have been looking at all the pictures of everyone and have decided that we have weathered 40 years pretty darn good. I am with Dennis when he says that we should not wait so long to do this again. Five years is way too long. I see that there is a little get together this Labor Day. I wish I could make it, but I take care of my mother and getting away for the birth of my grandson was about all that I could hope for - for a few months. But, please keep posting them and who knows, maybe I will be able to make it. In the meantime, I will be calling those who live in the Houston area to see about getting together for lunch. Please post pictures if you have them, I have really enjoyed seeing them. Best wishes to all.

11/09/09 09:01 AM #31    

Sharon Long (Morehead)

Hi Everyone - wanted to let you know that I put the money from the class into a 48 month CD on Friday. I called Lee Metz and asked him to go by and sign the papers so he can get the money if something happens to me. We have $1613.35. This will certainly help when we start planning the next reunion. Thanks to all who contributed/donated.

11/16/09 05:28 PM #32    


Joyce Owens (Fortin)

Can you believe we have been out of school for over 40 yrs. I hope everyone has a good life. I been living in Mass for the last 37 yrs. I've work at DEC (digital equipment corp)for 17 years and I took the buyout package and left and then I worked at my daughter grade school and then I started at Walmart(Gardner) in 94 and left in 99 for two yrs to work for Boutewell & Owens for two yrs. 2001 I went back to walmart and I'm still there. Once in a while I get to go to other walmart's to work, the ferther I have been is to NJ for a month. Well the is about even about me for now. Hope to hear for you once in a while.

02/08/10 11:55 PM #33    


Charlene Rose (Stauder)

Always late. My way of life. Anyway, glad to see so many wonderful pictures and nice posts. See you all sometime, somewhere..... but I WILL be late. Charlene Rose Stauder

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